RedwoodJS Blog Tutorial with Clerk


Branching off from the excellent (and mighty) Redwood tutorial, the guide will lead you through setting up Clerk as the authentication provider.

Branching off from the excellent (and mighty) Redwood tutorial, the guide will lead you through setting up Clerk as the authentication provider. You can think of Clerk as the ranger of the forest, only allowing verified users pass through the secluded parts of your app. (Be prepared for tree puns ahead — you’ve been warned! 🌲)


This tutorial makes the following assumptions:

  • Basic command line usage
  • Node.js installed with both npm and yarn (required by Redwood)
  • Experience with React components and hooks
  • Have gone through the first part of the Redwood tutorial
  • Clerk account already set up (if you haven’t done so, do it now... we’ll wait)

If you would like to skip ahead and see the completed codebase, browse to the repo here.

Getting started

This journey begins with cloning the example repo that Redwood has set up.

git clone redwood-tutorial-with-clerk

Follow their instructions to run the following commands:

cd redwood-tutorial-with-clerk/
yarn install
yarn rw prisma migrate dev
yarn rw dev

Note: If the rw (short for redwood) command isn’t working, make sure you have the proper versions of Node.js and Yarn installed.

If all went well, you should be looking at the most beautiful blog you’ve ever seen...

Redwood blog

If you try to navigate to http://localhost:8910/admin/posts you will be redirected back to the homepage. This is due to the <Private unauthenticated="home"> wrapper around the admin routes that was already set up.

Set up Clerk authentication

As part of the Authentication chapter of the Redwood tutorial, they went through the setup of their built-in database-backed authentication system called dbAuth. (Can’t blame them for planting those seeds.)

To transplant Clerk as the new authentication provider, first, navigate to your Clerk dashboard and create a new application. Give your application any name you’d like, leave the default authentication strategy selected, and then choose a social login provider if you would like. (Google OAuth is pretty fast and doesn’t make you create a new password.)

Once the application has been created and the confetti clears, scroll down to the Connect your application section to grab your API keys.

Back in the codebase, create a new .env file in the project directory and set the following environment variables to the respective values from your Clerk dashboard:


Once you have the environment variables set, the next step is to root out the existing auth logic. The quickest way to do this is to run:

yarn rw setup auth clerk --force

Note: If you’re into the more labor-intensive, manual way of doing things, here are the instructions for you. (Chainsaws not required.)

You should see terminal output similar to the following:

 Overwrite existing /api/src/lib/auth.[jt]s?  yes
   Generating auth lib...
     Successfully wrote file `./api/src/lib/auth.js`
   Adding auth config to web...
   Adding auth config to GraphQL API...
   Adding required web packages...
   Adding required api packages...
   Installing packages...
   One more thing...

You will need to add two environment variables with your Clerk URL and API key.
Check out web/src/App.{js,tsx} for the variables you need to add.
See also:

If you already followed the instructions to add your environment variables, great job! If you didn’t, please add them now.

In your code editor of choice, open up web/src/App.js

Wrap the Redwood <AuthProvider /> component with <ClerkAuthProvider /> and replace the prop type="dbAuth" with type="clerk":

const App = () => (
  <FatalErrorBoundary page={FatalErrorPage}>
    <RedwoodProvider titleTemplate="%PageTitle | %AppTitle">
        <AuthProvider type="clerk">
            <Routes />

Add Clerk components

Now that Clerk is set up, restart the dev server with yarn rw dev. If you had the dev server running, it needs to be restarted to read the newly added environment variables.

Open the web/src/layouts/BlogLayout/BlogLayout.js component in your code editor and add the following imports:

import { SignInButton, UserButton } from '@clerk/clerk-react'

While the login and logOut methods from the Redwood useAuth() hook will work, Clerk provides nice UI components to accomplish the same thing. Remove the logIn and logOut methods and replace the last navigation list item with the following code:

<li className={isAuthenticated ? 'ml-2' : null}>
  {isAuthenticated ? (
    <UserButton afterSignOutAll={window.location.href} />
  ) : (
    <SignInButton mode="modal">
      <button className="rounded px-4 py-2 transition duration-100 hover:bg-blue-600">
        Log in

Note: The afterSignOutAll prop needs to be set to the current URL when using Clerk Hosted Pages to redirect back to your app.

Making use of the isAuthenticated property checks if there is an active user session. If there isn’t one, the Clerk <SignInButton /> component renders a custom button element matching the blog styles. Clicking “Log in”, opens a modal window allowing you to sign in with Google or sign up with an email and password.

Clerk sign in modal

After signing in, you should see the <UserProfile /> component with an avatar.

If you look in the code right underneath the navigation, there is a conditionally rendered text block for This doesn’t render anything because the Clerk user object is structured a little differently. To display the current user’s email address, make the following tweaks:

  isAuthenticated && (
    <div className="text-right text-xs text-blue-300">

This reads the primary email address property and removes the absolute positioning styles.

The navigation header should now look similar to:

Navigation header

(Displaying your own account of course.)

Clerk makes it super easy to add in these authentication components. There are more options for customization available as well.

Now that you have an authenticated user, you should be able to safely navigate to http://localhost:8910/admin/posts and manage the blog posts.

That’s really all there is to it.

Going deeper

If you’d like to go deeper into the forest (really stretching this metaphor here), you could try your hand at the following:

Ready to get started?

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Ian McPhail