Changelog July 22, 2022
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Customizable Session tokens, Clerk playground, and an updated Data Processing Agreement.

Customizable Session tokens
You could always generate custom JWTs with Clerk, but now you can add new claims directly to the Session token encoded in the HTTPOnly cookie.
This token is guaranteed to be up-to-date, and will impose no latency on any requests you make.
You can find this new option in your Dashboard. Navigate to:
Settings > Sessions > Customize Session Token

Thanks to the contributors: Haris Chaniotakis
Clerk Playground
We've created a new "Playground" that lets you easily explore Clerk's React SDK and our APIs. We've tried to keep the examples pared down and simple, so that you can use them as a reference when building your own custom flows. Our plan is to continually add to this repository of examples as a resource to help developers get going quickly with Clerk.
See the live example, or go straight to the repo
If there's a custom flow you want to see built, let us know in our discord
Thanks to the contributors: Ian McPhail, Charles Wefso
Data Processing Agreement
To be in compliance with GDPR, we've updated our data processing agreement and established a formal local presence in the EU.
Read the full agreement here.
Thanks to the contributors: Braden Sidoti