Changelog March 17, 2023
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You can find us at, sign in with Linear, add scopes to users, beta docs updates

You can find us at
You may have noticed, or maybe you didn't! We now are on versus our old domain This migration was a team effort all around as we made sure no one was interrupted as we moved to our new home.
Currently our website is redirecting to, however in the future we want to do something with the domain. If you have any ideas, we loved to hear them!
Add additional OAuth scopes
We understand sometimes you need to elevate user scopes after a user is in your application, and sometimes it's based on the users roles or subscription status. This week we introduced a way to to request additional OAuth scopes, and show the user that attention is needed. Below are some examples of how to implement it.
User Button
If you are using our <UserButton/>
component you can pass in the userProfileProps
along with the provider and the additional scopes.
additionalOAuthScopes: {
twitch: ['user:read:follows'],
User Profile
If you are mounting the <UserProfile/>
in your application you can pass the same props
twitch: ['user:read:follows'],
Below is what a user will see when the need to reauthorize your new scopes.

Using the useUser hook
If you are using hooks and building our your own UIs you can use the useUser
hook to make the user reauthorize.
const handleClick = async () => {
if (!isLoaded || !isSignedIn) {
return null
.find((oauth) => oauth.provider === 'twitch')
additionalScopes: ['user:read:follows'],
redirectUrl: '/protected',
.then((res) => {
// open the URL in a new tab generated by Twitch
.catch((err) => {
Sign in with Linear
This had to be one of our biggest requested OAuth providers in the last few weeks, and it's finally here. You can now have your users log in using their linear account. Just enable it in the dashboard and start building!
Sign in with Spotify
We have supported Spotify for a while but it was something we manually enabled as it doesn't support our usual developer shared credentials. We have now opened this up so anyone with their own Spotify credentials can use it.
Beta Documentation Updates
I have been writing non stop since we last spoke, we have had great feedback from the community and that feedback has been rolled into the documentation.
Just today I introduced the Expo quickstart guide, this quickstart guide covers:
- Using ClerkProvider
- Custom sign up (email and password) with email verification.
- Custom sign in (email and password)
- OAuth with transfers (sign in or sign up with a single click
- How to sign a user out
- Using a token cache
- Read session & user data
You can check out all the new updates at