
Integrate Supabase with Clerk

You will learn the following:

  • Use Clerk to authenticate access to your Supabase data
  • Access Clerk user IDs in your Supabase RLS policies
  • Customize a Clerk JWT template to suit your use case with Supabase

Integrating Supabase with Clerk gives you the benefits of using a Supabase database while leveraging Clerk's authentication, prebuilt components, and webhooks. To get the most out of Supabase with Clerk, you must implement custom Row Level Security (RLS) policies.

RLS works by validating database queries according to the restrictions defined in the RLS policies applied to the table. This guide will show you how to create RLS policies that restrict access to data based on the user's Clerk ID. This way, users can only access data that belongs to them. To set this up, you will:

  • Create a function in Supabase to parse the Clerk user ID from the authentication token.
  • Create a user_id column that defaults to the Clerk user's ID when new records are created.
  • Create policies to restrict what data can be read and inserted.
  • Use the Clerk Supabase integration helper in your code to authenticate with Supabase and execute queries.

This guide will have you create a new table in your Supabase project, but you can apply these concepts to your existing tables as well.


This integration restricts what data authenticated users can access in the database, but does not synchronize user records between Clerk and Supabase. To send additional data from Clerk to your Supabase database, use webhooks.

Choose your own adventure

For interacting with the Supabase dashboard, you can either use the Supabase interface or the SQL Editor. The SQL Editor is a more direct way to interact with your database, but the Supabase interface provides a more user-friendly experience.

Create a SQL query that checks the user ID

Create a function named requesting_user_id() that will parse the Clerk user ID from the authentication token. This function will be used to set the default value of user_id in a table and in the RLS policies to ensure the user can only access their data.

  1. In the sidebar of your Supabase dashboard, navigate to Database > Functions.
  2. Select Create a new function.
  3. In the Add a new function sheet, make the following changes:
    • Set Name of function to requesting_user_id.
    • Set Return type to text.
    • Toggle Show advanced settings on.
    • Set Language to sql.
    • Populate the Definition with the following sql:
          current_setting('', true)::json->>'sub',
    • Select Confirm.
  1. In the sidebar of your Supabase dashboard, navigate to SQL Editor, then select New query. Paste the following into the editor:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION requesting_user_id()
            current_setting('', true)::json->>'sub',
  2. To execute the query and create the requesting_user_id function, select Run.

Create a table and enable RLS on it

Next, you'll create a tasks table and enable RLS on that table. The tasks table will also contain a user_id column that will use the requesting_user_id() function you just created as it's default value. This column will be used in the RLS policies to only return or modify records scoped to the user's account.

In the left navigation, select Table Editor and select Create a new table. In the sheet that appears in the right, configure the following settings:

  • Name: tasks.
  • Toggle on Enable Row Level Security (RLS).
  • Set up the Columns with the following configuration:
    NameTypeDefault valuePrimaryAdditional settings (Gear icon)
    idint8NULLCheckedIs identity
  • Select Save.

To create the tasks table and enable RLS on it, run the following two queries:

-- Create a 'tasks' table
create table tasks(
  id serial primary key,
  name text not null,
  user_id text not null default requesting_user_id()

-- Enable RLS on the table
alter table `tasks` enable row level security;

Create ID-based RLS policies

Create RLS policies that permit users to read and insert content associated with their user IDs only.

In the sidebar, navigate to Authentication > Policies. Create policies that allow your users to read and insert data into the tasks table:

  1. Select Create policy to create the SELECT policy:
    • Name: "Select tasks policy".
    • For Policy Command, select SELECT.
    • For Target roles, select authenticated.
    • Replace the "-- Provide a SQL expression for the using statement" with the following:
      Supabase policy editor
      requesting_user_id() = user_id
    • Select Save policy.
  2. Select Create policy to create the INSERT policy:
    • Name: "Insert task policy".
    • For Policy Command, select INSERT.
    • For Target roles, select authenticated.
    • Replace the "-- Provide a SQL expression for the with check statement" with the following:
      Supabase policy editor
      requesting_user_id() = user_id
    • Select Save policy.

In the sidebar, navigate to SQL Editor. Run the following queries to add policies for all statements issued on tasks:

-- This policy will enforce that only tasks where the `user_id` matches the Clerk user ID are returned.
CREATE POLICY "Select tasks policy" ON "public"."tasks"
TO authenticated
USING (requesting_user_id() = user_id)

-- This policy will enforce the `user_id` field on INSERT statements matches the Clerk user ID.
CREATE POLICY "Insert tasks policy" ON "public"."tasks"
TO authenticated
WITH CHECK (requesting_user_id() = user_id)

Get your Supabase JWT secret key

To give users access to your data, Supabase's API requires an authentication token. Your Clerk project can generate these authentication tokens, but it needs your Supabase project's JWT secret key first.

To find the JWT secret key:

  1. In the sidebar, navigate to Project Settings > API.
  2. Under the JWT Settings section, save the value in the JWT Secret field somewhere secure. This value will be used in the next step.

Create a Supabase JWT template

Clerk's JWT templates allow you to generate a new valid Supabase authentication token for each signed in user. These tokens allow authenticated users to access your data with Supabase's API.

To create a JWT template for Supabase:

  1. Navigate to the Clerk Dashboard.
  2. In the navigation sidebar, select JWT Templates.
  3. Select the New template button, then select Supabase from the list of options.
  4. Configure your template:
    • The value of the Name field will be required when using the template in your code. For this tutorial, name it supabase.
    • Signing algorithm will be HS256 by default. This algorithm is required to use JWTs with Supabase. Learn more in their docs.
    • Under Signing key, add the value of your Supabase JWT secret key from the previous step.
    • You can leave all other fields at their default settings or customize them to your needs. See the JWT template guide to learn more about these settings.
    • Select Save from the notification bubble to complete setup.

Install the Supabase client library

Add the Supabase client library to your project.

npm i @supabase/supabase-js
yarn add @supabase/supabase-js
pnpm add @supabase/supabase-js

Set up your environment variables

  1. In the sidebar of the Supabase dashboard, select Settings > API.
  2. Add the Project URL to your .env.local file as SUPABASE_URL.
  3. In the Project API keys section, add the value beside anon public to your .env.local file as SUPABASE_KEY.


If you are using Next.js, the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix is required for environment variables that are used in the client-side code.

Fetch Supabase data in your code

The following example shows the list of tasks for the user and allows the user to add new tasks.

The createClerkSupabaseClient() function uses Supabase's createClient() method to initialize a new Supabase client, but modifies it to inject the Clerk token you created with the Supabase JWT template into the request headers sent to Supabase. The requesting_user_id() function that was created in the Supabase dashboard will parse this token to use it when querying data from the tasks table.

The following example uses the Next.js SDK to access the useUser() and useSession() hooks, but you can adapt this code to work with any React-based Clerk SDK.

'use client';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useSession, useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs';
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js';

export default function Home() {
  const [tasks, setTasks] = useState<any[]>([]);
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
  const [name, setName] = useState('');
  // The `useUser()` hook will be used to ensure that Clerk has loaded data about the logged in user
  const { user } = useUser();
  // The `useSession()` hook will be used to get the Clerk session object
  const { session } = useSession();

  // Create a custom supabase client that injects the Clerk Supabase token into the request headers
  function createClerkSupabaseClient() {
    return createClient(
        global: {
          // Get the custom Supabase token from Clerk
          fetch: async (url, options = {}) => {
            const clerkToken = await session?.getToken({
              template: 'supabase',

            // Insert the Clerk Supabase token into the headers
            const headers = new Headers(options?.headers);
            headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${clerkToken}`);

            // Now call the default fetch
            return fetch(url, {

  // Create a `client` object for accessing Supabase data using the Clerk token
  const client = createClerkSupabaseClient();

  // This `useEffect` will wait for the User object to be loaded before requesting
  // the tasks for the logged in user
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!user) return;

    async function loadTasks() {
      const { data, error } = await client.from('tasks').select();
      if (!error) setTasks(data);

  }, [user]);

  async function createTask(e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) {
    // Insert task into the "tasks" database
    await client.from('tasks').insert({

  return (

      {loading && <p>Loading...</p>}

      {!loading &&
        tasks.length > 0 && any) => <p>{}</p>)}

      {!loading && tasks.length === 0 && <p>No tasks found</p>}

      <form onSubmit={createTask}>
          placeholder="Enter new task"
          onChange={(e) => setName(}
        <button type="submit">Add</button>

Test your integration

Run your project and sign in. Test creating and viewing tasks. Sign out and sign in as a different user, and repeat.

If you have the same tasks across multiple accounts, double check that RLS is enabled, or that the RLS policies were properly created. Check the table in the Supabase dashboard. You should see all the tasks between both users, but with differing values in the user_id column.


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