Build a blog with tRPC, Prisma, Next.js and Clerk
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Learn how to work with tRPC, Prisma, Next.js, and Clerk by building a secure blog application
In this tutorial, you'll build a blog app from scratch using many modern and popular technologies such as Next.js, Clerk, tRPC, Prisma, and more. After reading this guide, you'll have a simple blog application that allows users to create and read posts.
Let's explore the various technologies used in the article:
- Next.js is the React framework used throughout this guide, specifically using the App Router.
- Clerk is used for user management and authentication.
- Prisma will be the ORM used to connect to the database.
- Vercel is used for hosting and automated deployments.
- Neon is a serverless Postgres database, and you'll actually use Vercel to automate deployment of the database as well.
- Tanstack Query simplifies the process of fetching and caching data.
- tRPC provides a type-safe API endpoint wrapper around Tanstack Query.
- Zod is used for schema validation.
- Tailwind provides a simple and modern way to style your app with CSS.
You'll start by creating a Next.js app and integrating Clerk into it for authentication. Then you'll deploy the application to Vercel, where you will also create a Neon database that will be used by Prisma to access and manipulate data within that database. At this point the application will be fully functional, however the rest of the tutorial further enhances the type-safety of your app by adding Tanstack Query, tRPC, and zod. Finally, you'll learn how to create protected procedures using Clerk's authentication context.
To follow along, you should have Node.js installed on your computer and a Vercel account. Familarity with React and Next.js is recommended as well.
Check out the finished product in Clerk's demo repository:
Setting up a Next.js application with Clerk
Start by opening your terminal and running the following command to create a new Next.js application. When prompted for the various configuration options, use the options specified below:
npx create-next-app@latest
# Use the following configuration
✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … Yes
✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No
✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … Yes
✔ Would you like your code inside a `src/` directory? … No
✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … Yes
✔ Would you like to use Turbopack for `next dev`? … Yes
✔ Would you like to customize the import alias (`@/*` by default)? … No
Once the application has been created, follow the quickstart in the docs to add Clerk to it.
Alternatively, you can clone the Clerk Next.js quickstart repository. This repository contains a pre-configured Next.js app with Clerk already added in keyless mode, which allows you to test the authentication features in your app locally without having to create an account.
git clone
Create a Clerk application
Since keyless mode only works for local development, you will want to create a Clerk account and an application in the dashboard to deploy your application to Vercel.
The Clerk Dashboard is where you, as the application owner, can manage your application's settings, users, and organizations. For example, if you want to enable phone number authentication, multi-factor authentication, social providers like Google, delete users, or create organizations, you can do all of this and more in the Clerk Dashboard.
Set your Clerk API keys
You need to set your Clerk API keys in your app so that your app can use the configuration settings that you set in the Clerk Dashboard.
- In the Clerk Dashboard, navigate to the API keys page.
- In the Quick Copy section, copy your Clerk Publishable and Secret Keys.
- In your
environment variables to the values you copied from the Clerk Dashboard.
Install dependencies and test your app
While developing, it's best practice to keep your project running so that you can test your changes as you work. So, let's make sure the app is working as expected.
- Run the following commands to install the dependencies and start the development server:
npm install npm run dev
- Open your browser and navigate to the URL displayed in your terminal. The default is
and will be used through the remainder of the tutorial. It should render a new Next.js app, but with a "Sign in" and "Sign up" button in the top right corner. - Select the "Sign in" button. You should be redirected to your Clerk Account Portal sign-in page, which renders Clerk's
<SignIn />
component. The<SignIn />
component will look different depending on the configuration of your Clerk instance. - Sign in to your Clerk application.
- You should be redirected back to your app, where you should see Clerk's
<UserButton />
component in the top right corner.
Install Prisma ORM
Run the following command to install Prisma:
npm install prisma --save-dev
Then run npx prisma init
to initialize Prisma in your project.
npx prisma init
This will create a new prisma
directory in your project, with a schema.prisma
file inside of it. The schema.prisma
file is where you will define your database models.
The prisma init
command will also update your .env
file to include a DATABASE_URL
environment variable, which is used to store your database connection string. If you have a database already, great! If not, let's spin one up using Vercel.
Deploy to Vercel
Before you can create a database using Vercel, you first need to deploy your app to Vercel.
- Create a repository on GitHub for your app. If you're not sure how to do this, follow the GitHub docs.
- Go to Vercel and add a new project. While going through the process, select the Environment Variables dropdown, and add your Clerk Publishable and Secret Keys.
- Select Deploy to deploy your app to Vercel.
- Select the Settings tab.
- In the left sidenav, select Functions.
- Under Function Region, there should be a tag next to one of the continents. Select the continent where the tag is, and the dropdown will reveal what regions on Vercel's network that your Vercel Functions will execute in. Take note of the region. Keep the Vercel dashboard open.
Spin up a database
- While still in Vercel's dashboard, select the Storage tab.
- Select Create Database.
- Select Neon as the database provider and select Continue.
- Select the Region dropdown and select the region you noted earlier. You want your database's region to match your Vercel Functions region for optimal performance.
- Select Continue.
- Copy the environment variables and add them to your
file. They should look something like this:
# Recommended for most uses
# For uses requiring a connection without pgbouncer
# Parameters for constructing your own connection string
# Parameters for Vercel Postgres Templates
Create a database model
Now that your database is created and connected to your app, it's time to create a database model. The main entity of the application is a Post
that represents each entry in the blog app, so add the following Post
model to your schema.prisma
model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
content String?
published Boolean @default(false)
authorId String
Update your database schema
Run the following command to apply your schema to your database:
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
This creates an initial migration creating the Post
table and applies that migration to your database.
Set up Prisma Client
Now it's time to set up the Prisma Client and connect it to your database. You'll want to create a single client and bind it to the global
object so that only one instance of the client is created in your application. This helps resolve issues with hot reloading that can occur when using Prisma with Next.js in development mode.
Create the lib/prisma.ts
file and add the following code to it:
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
const prisma = new PrismaClient()
const globalForPrisma = global as unknown as { prisma: typeof prisma }
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') globalForPrisma.prisma = prisma
export default prisma
Query your database
Now that all of the set up is complete, it's time to start building out your app!
Let's start with your homepage. Replace the contents of app/page.tsx
with the following code:
import Link from 'next/link'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
export default async function Page() {
const posts = await // Query the `Post` model for all posts
return (
<div className="mx-auto mt-8 flex min-h-screen max-w-2xl flex-col">
<h1 className="mb-8 text-4xl font-bold">Posts</h1>
<div className="mb-8 flex max-w-2xl flex-col space-y-4">
{ => (
className="hover:bg-neutral-100 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 flex flex-col rounded-lg px-2 py-4 transition-all hover:underline"
<span className="text-lg font-semibold">{post.title}</span>
<span className="text-sm">by {post.authorId}</span>
className="inline-block rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Create New Post
This code fetches all posts from your database and displays them on the homepage, showing the title and author ID for each post. It uses the
method, which is a Prisma Client method that retrieves all records from the database.
That shows how to query for all records, but how do you query for a single record?
Query a single record
Let's add a page that displays a single post. This page uses the URL parameters to get the post's ID, and then fetches it from your database and displays it on the page, showing the title, author ID, and content. It uses the
method, which is a Prisma Client method that retrieves a single record from the database.
Create the app/posts/[id]/page.tsx
file and paste the following code in it:
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
export default async function Post({ params }: { params: Promise<{ id: string }> }) {
const { id } = await params
const post = await{
where: { id: parseInt(id) },
if (!post) {
return (
<div className="mx-auto mt-8 flex min-h-screen max-w-2xl flex-col">
<div>No post found.</div>
return (
<div className="mx-auto mt-8 flex min-h-screen max-w-2xl flex-col">
{post && (
<article className="w-full max-w-2xl">
<h1 className="mb-2 text-2xl font-bold sm:text-3xl md:text-4xl">{post.title}</h1>
<p className="text-sm sm:text-base">by {post.authorId}</p>
<div className="prose prose-gray prose-sm sm:prose-base lg:prose-lg mt-4 sm:mt-8">
{post.content || 'No content available.'}
Test the page by navigating to a post's URL. For example, http://localhost:3000/posts/1
. For now, it should show a "No post found" message because you haven't created any posts yet. Let's add a way to create posts.
Create a new post
Next you'll create a page that allows users to create new posts. This page uses Clerk's auth()
helper to get the user's ID. It is a helper that is specific to Next.js App Router, and it provides authentication information on the server side.
- If there is no user ID, the user is not signed in, so a sign in button is displayed.
- If the user is signed in, the "Create New Post" form is displayed. When the form is submitted, the
function is called. This function creates a new post in the database using
method, which is a Prisma Client method that creates a new record in the database.
Create the app/posts/create/page.tsx
file and paste in the following code:
import Form from 'next/form'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'
import { SignInButton, useAuth } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'
import { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
export default async function NewPost() {
const { userId } = await auth()
// Protect this page from unauthenticated users
if (!userId) {
return (
<div className="flex h-[calc(100vh-4rem)] flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-4">
<p>You must be signed in to create a post.</p>
className="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Sign in
async function createPost(formData: FormData) {
'use server'
// Type check
if (!userId) return
const title = formData.get('title') as string
const content = formData.get('content') as string
data: {
authorId: userId,
return (
<div className="mx-auto max-w-2xl p-4">
<h1 className="mb-6 text-2xl font-bold">Create New Post</h1>
<Form action={createPost} className="space-y-6">
<label htmlFor="title" className="mb-2 block text-lg">
placeholder="Enter your post title"
className="w-full rounded-lg border px-4 py-2"
<label htmlFor="content" className="mb-2 block text-lg">
placeholder="Write your post content here..."
className="w-full rounded-lg border px-4 py-2"
className="inline-block w-full rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Create Post
Test the page by navigating to the /posts/create
page (ex: http://localhost:3000/posts/create
) and create a new post. You should be redirected to the homepage, where you should see the new post.
Configure tRPC, @tanstack/react-query
, and zod
Now, you've got a Next.js, Clerk, and Prisma app that can create and display posts. You could stop here and have a perfectly functional app. But let's take it a step further and add tRPC to your app for type-safe API endpoints.
Install the dependencies
Let's start by installing the following dependencies:
is a wrapper around your API endpoints to make them type-safe and easier to use.zod
is a schema validation library, also used to enhance your app's type safety.@tanstack/react-query
is a library for data fetching and caching.
Run the following command to install the packages:
npm i @trpc/server @trpc/client @trpc/react-query @tanstack/react-query zod --force
At the time of writing,
includes React 19 as a peer dependency, but@tanstack/react-query
does not. So, you'll need to use the--force
flag when running the command above. You may not need the--force
flag in the future.
Create a tRPC server
Now, you'll configure tRPC for your app. You'll start by initializing a tRPC server that creates a router
and publicProcedure
that you can use to create your API endpoints.
Create the app/server/trpc.ts
file and paste in the following code
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'
const t = initTRPC.create()
export const router = t.router
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure
Create a tRPC endpoint
Now, you'll create a router that's going to have your procedures on it. The following code creates a router with a getPosts
procedure that uses the tRPC publicProcedure
you created in the previous step to make a query using tRPC's query()
method. The query then uses Prisma to query the Post
model in your database. That part should look familiar, because you've used
in your app earlier!
Create the app/server/routers/posts.ts
file and paste in the code below:
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
export const postRouter = router({
getPosts: publicProcedure.query(async () => {
return await
export type PostRouter = typeof postRouter
This is the file where you'll add all of your queries and mutations, so you'll probably update this file frequently as you build out your app.
Connect the tRPC router to your App Router
Now you need to connect the tRPC router to your App Router. You'll use a Route Handler that uses tRPC's fetchRequestHandler()
method to pass requests from Next.js to the tRPC router.
Create the app/api/trpc/[trpc]/route.ts
file and paste in the code below:
import { fetchRequestHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/fetch'
import { postRouter } from '@/app/server/routers/posts'
const handler = (req: Request) =>
endpoint: '/api/trpc',
router: postRouter,
createContext: () => ({}),
export { handler as GET, handler as POST }
At this point, your API endpoint should be working. You can test it by navigating to http://localhost:3000/api/trpc/getPosts
. You should see a JSON response with the posts from your database.
Create a tRPC client
So far, your app is entirely server-side and static. You need a way to mutate data, which is where @tanstack/react-query
comes in. But to use tRPC with @tanstack/react-query
, you need to create a tRPC client.
Create the app/_trpc/client.ts
file and paste in the code below:
'use client'
import { createTRPCReact } from '@trpc/react-query'
import type { PostRouter } from '@/app/server/routers/posts'
export const trpc = createTRPCReact<PostRouter>({})
Create a Tanstack Query + tRPC provider
To use Tanstack Query and tRPC together, you need to create a provider using the React Context API. This provider will make both the Tanstack Query client and the tRPC client available to your app using the trpc.Provider
and QueryClientProvider
Create the app/_trpc/Provider.tsx
file and paste in the code below:
'use client'
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { httpBatchLink } from '@trpc/client'
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { trpc } from './client'
export default function Provider({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
// Create a Tanstack Query client
const [queryClient] = useState(() => new QueryClient({}))
// Create a tRPC client
const [trpcClient] = useState(() =>
links: [
url: 'http://localhost:3000/api/trpc',
return (
<trpc.Provider client={trpcClient} queryClient={queryClient}>
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>{children}</QueryClientProvider>
Now, wrap your app in the provider. Update the main layout to import the provider as TRPCProvider
and wrap your app in it. It's very important that <ClerkProvider>
is wrapped around <TRPCProvider>
, and not the other way around, because the <TRPCProvider>
needs to have access to the Clerk authentication context.
In app/layout.tsx
, add the following code:
import type { Metadata } from 'next'
import {
} from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { Geist, Geist_Mono } from 'next/font/google'
import './globals.css'
import TRPCProvider from '@/app/_trpc/Provider'
const geistSans = Geist({
variable: '--font-geist-sans',
subsets: ['latin'],
const geistMono = Geist_Mono({
variable: '--font-geist-mono',
subsets: ['latin'],
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: 'Clerk Next.js Quickstart',
description: 'Generated by create next app',
export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">
<body className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}>
<header className="flex h-16 items-center justify-end gap-4 p-4">
<SignInButton />
<SignUpButton />
<UserButton />
Now, you can use the trpc
client to fetch and mutate data in your app! Let's update the functionality of your app to use the trpc
Use the tRPC client to fetch and mutate data
Let's start by updating the homepage where the list of posts is rendered. Since the page is still rendered server-side, you'll create a client component that uses the trpc
client to fetch posts.
Create the app/components/Posts.tsx
file and paste in the following code:
'use client'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { trpc } from '../_trpc/client'
export default function Posts() {
// Use the `getPosts` query from the TRPC client
const getPosts = trpc.getPosts.useQuery()
const { isLoading, data } = getPosts
return (
<div className="mb-8 flex max-w-2xl flex-col space-y-4">
{isLoading && <div>Loading...</div>}
{data?.map((post) => (
className="hover:bg-neutral-100 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 flex flex-col rounded-lg px-2 py-4 transition-all hover:underline"
<span className="text-lg font-semibold">{post.title}</span>
<span className="text-sm">by {post.authorId}</span>
Then, update the homepage to use the <Posts />
import Link from 'next/link'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import Posts from './components/Posts'
export default async function Page() {
return (
<div className="-mt-16 flex min-h-screen flex-col items-center justify-center">
<h1 className="mb-8 text-4xl font-bold">Posts</h1>
<div className="mb-8 flex max-w-2xl flex-col space-y-4">
{ => (
className="hover:bg-neutral-100 dark:hover:bg-neutral-800 flex flex-col rounded-lg px-2 py-4 transition-all hover:underline"
<span className="text-lg font-semibold">{post.title}</span>
<span className="text-sm">by {post.authorId}</span>
<Posts />
className="inline-block rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Create New Post
Notice that the
function is no longer used. Instead, your app is using trpc.getPosts.useQuery()
in the <Posts />
component to fetch the posts, because remember, you created a tRPC postRouter
with a getPosts
procedure that uses
. So now, you don't need to use Prisma directly, you can use tRPC in order to have type safety and a better developer experience. Let's update the rest of your app to use tRPC.
Of course, let's test and make sure the new logic is working. Navigate to the homepage and make sure you can see the posts.
Once you've verified everything's working, let's go back to your postRouter
and create more procedures to handle your other queries.
Use tRPC to fetch a single post
In app/server/routers/posts.ts
, update the code to match the following:
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import { z } from 'zod'
export const postRouter = router({
getPost: publicProcedure.input(z.object({ id: z.string() })).query(async ({ input }) => {
return await{
where: { id: parseInt( },
getPosts: publicProcedure.query(async () => {
return await
export type PostRouter = typeof postRouter
This adds a getPost
procedure to fetch a single post by ID.
In app/posts/[id]/page.tsx
, update the code to match the following:
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
export default async function Post({ params }: { params: Promise<{ id: string }> }) {
const { id } = await params
const post = await{
where: { id: parseInt(id) },
if(!post) {
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col max-w-2xl mx-auto mt-8">
<div>No post found.</div>
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col max-w-2xl mx-auto mt-8">
{post && (
<article className="w-full max-w-2xl">
<h1 className="mb-2 text-2xl font-bold sm:text-3xl md:text-4xl">{post.title}</h1>
<p className="text-sm sm:text-base">by {post.authorId}</p>
<div className="prose prose-gray prose-sm sm:prose-base lg:prose-lg mt-4 sm:mt-8">
{post.content || 'No content available.'}
'use client'
import { trpc } from '@/app/_trpc/client'
import { use } from 'react'
export default function Post({ params }: { params: Promise<{ id: string }> }) {
// Params are wrapped in a promise, so we need to unwrap them using React's `use()` hook
const { id } = use(params)
// Use the `getPost` query from the TRPC client
const { data: post, isLoading } = trpc.getPost.useQuery({ id })
return (
<div className="flex min-h-screen flex-col max-w-2xl mx-auto mt-8">
{isLoading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{!isLoading && !post && <p>No post found.</p>}
{!isLoading && post && (
<article className="w-full max-w-2xl">
<h1 className="mb-2 text-2xl font-bold sm:text-3xl md:text-4xl">{post.title}</h1>
<p className="text-sm sm:text-base">by {post.authorId}</p>
<div className="prose prose-gray prose-sm sm:prose-base lg:prose-lg mt-4 sm:mt-8">
{post.content || 'No content available.'}
This replaces
with trpc.getPost.useQuery()
. Because tRPC is using Tanstack Query to fetch the data, the query result includes the data and other states, such as loading and error. You can learn more about in the Tanstack Query docs.
And before you go any further, test to make sure the new logic is working. Navigate to a post's URL, such as http://localhost:3000/posts/1
, and make sure you can see the post.
If that's working, let's go back to your postRouter
and add the last procedure you need to handle your create post functionality.
Use tRPC to create a new post
In app/server/routers/posts.ts
, add the following code:
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import { z } from 'zod'
const postSchema = z.object({
title: z.string(),
content: z.string(),
authorId: z.string(),
export const postRouter = router({
getPost: publicProcedure.input(z.object({ id: z.string() })).query(async ({ input }) => {
return await{
where: { id: parseInt( },
getPosts: publicProcedure.query(async () => {
return await
// Protected procedure that requires a user to be signed in
createPosts: publicProcedure.input(postSchema).mutation(async ({ input }) => {
return await{
data: {
title: input.title,
content: input.content,
authorId: input.authorId,
export type PostRouter = typeof postRouter
This adds a createPosts
procedure that creates a new post.
In app/posts/create/page.tsx
, replace the existing code with the following:
'use client'
import Form from 'next/form'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'
import { SignInButton, useAuth } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'
import { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
import { redirect } from 'next/navigation'
import { trpc } from '@/app/_trpc/client'
import { useState } from 'react'
export default async function NewPost() {
const { userId } = await auth()
export default function NewPost() {
const [title, setTitle] = useState('')
const [content, setContent] = useState('')
// Use Clerk's `useAuth()` hook to get the user's ID
const { userId, isLoaded } = useAuth()
// Use the `createPosts` mutation from the TRPC client
const createPostMutation = trpc.createPosts.useMutation()
// Check if Clerk is loaded
if (!isLoaded) {
return (
<div className="flex h-[calc(100vh-4rem)] flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-4">
// Protect this page from unauthenticated users
if (!userId) {
return (
<div className="flex h-[calc(100vh-4rem)] flex-col items-center justify-center space-y-4">
<p>You must be signed in to create a post.</p>
className="inline-block cursor-pointer rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Sign in
async function createPost(formData: FormData) {
'use server'
// Type check
if (!userId) return
const title = formData.get('title') as string
const content = formData.get('content') as string
data: {
authorId: userId,
// Handle form submission
async function createPost(e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) {
authorId: userId as string,
return (
<div className="mx-auto max-w-2xl p-4">
<h1 className="mb-6 text-2xl font-bold">Create New Post</h1>
<Form action={createPost} className="space-y-6">
<form onSubmit={createPost} className="space-y-6">
<label htmlFor="title" className="mb-2 block text-lg">
onChange={(e) => setTitle(}
placeholder="Enter your post title"
className="w-full rounded-lg border px-4 py-2"
<label htmlFor="content" className="mb-2 block text-lg">
onChange={(e) => setContent(}
placeholder="Write your post content here..."
className="w-full rounded-lg border px-4 py-2"
className="inline-block w-full rounded-lg border-2 border-current px-4 py-2 text-current transition-all hover:scale-[0.98]"
Create Post
This updates a few things. First, it turns this page into a client component, because Tanstack Query and the tRPC client are client-side. So now, the Server Action that you created before can no longer be used. Instead, the form data is handled using state. When the form is submitted, the createPost()
function no longer uses
, but instead uses trpc.createPosts.useMutation()
from the tRPC client. Also, because the page is now a client component, Clerk's auth()
helper no longer works, so it's replaced with Clerk's useAuth()
hook. This introduces the benefit of having access to Clerk's loading state, so a loading UI is added.
And don't forget, test your changes. Navigate to the create post page, such as http://localhost:3000/posts/create
, and make sure you can create a new post.
Once you've confirmed everything's working, you're almost done...
Create protected procedures
In many applications, it's essential to restrict access to certain routes based on user authentication status. This ensures that sensitive data and functionality are only accessible to authorized users.
The benefit of using Clerk with tRPC is that you can create protected procedures using Clerk's authentication context. Clerk's Auth
object includes important authentication information like the current user's session ID, user ID, and organization ID. It also contains methods to check for the current user's permissions and to retrieve their session token. You can use the Auth
object to access the user's authentication information in your tRPC queries.
Create the tRPC context
In your server
directory, create a context.ts
file with the following code:
import { auth } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
export const createContext = async () => {
return { auth: await auth() }
export type Context = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof createContext>>
This creates a context that will be used to create the context for every tRPC query sent to the server. The context will use the auth()
helper from Clerk to access the user's Auth
Pass the context to the tRPC server
Then, in your tRPC server (app/api/trpc/[trpc]/route.ts
), pass the context:
import { fetchRequestHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/fetch'
import { appRouter } from '@/app/server/routers/posts'
import { createContext } from '@/app/server/context'
const handler = (req: Request) =>
endpoint: '/api/trpc',
router: appRouter,
createContext: () => ({}),
export { handler as GET, handler as POST }
Access the context data in your procedures
The tRPC context, or ctx
, should now have access to the Clerk Auth
In your server/trpc.ts
file, create a protected procedure:
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server'
import { initTRPC, TRPCError } from '@trpc/server'
import { Context } from './context'
const t = initTRPC.create()
const t = initTRPC.context<Context>().create()
// Check if the user is signed in
// Otherwise, throw an UNAUTHORIZED code
const isAuthed = t.middleware(({ next, ctx }) => {
if (!ctx.auth.userId) {
throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' })
return next({
ctx: {
auth: ctx.auth,
export const router = t.router
export const publicProcedure = t.procedure
export const protectedProcedure = t.procedure.use(isAuthed)
Use your protected procedure
Once you have created your procedure, you can use it in any router. In this case, you don't want unauthenticated users to be able to create posts, so let's update the createPosts
mutation to be protected by swapping the publicProcedure
with the protectedProcedure
import { publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc'
import { protectedProcedure, publicProcedure, router } from '../trpc'
import prisma from '@/lib/prisma'
import { z } from 'zod'
const postSchema = z.object({
title: z.string(),
content: z.string(),
authorId: z.string(),
export const postRouter = router({
getPost: publicProcedure.input(z.object({ id: z.string() })).query(async ({ input }) => {
return await{
where: { id: parseInt( },
getPosts: publicProcedure.query(async () => {
return await
createPosts: publicProcedure.input(postSchema).mutation(async ({ input }) => {
createPosts: protectedProcedure.input(postSchema).mutation(async ({ input }) => {
return await{
data: {
title: input.title,
content: input.content,
authorId: input.authorId,
export type PostRouter = typeof postRouter

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