Clerk Changelog

TanStack Start SDK Beta


Add authentication and authorization to your TanStack Start application in minutes with the new Clerk SDK.

TanStack Start is an exciting new full-stack React framework that provides tons of great functionality like full-document SSR, streaming, server functions, bundling, and more. It's built by the same folks who have contributed some wonderful tools that we all know and love, like TanStack Router and TanStack Query.

We're so excited by it, we've even helped by sponsoring the project.

And today, we're proud to announce @clerk/tanstack-start@beta, a new official SDK that allows developers to add authentication and authorization into their TanStack Start application in matter of minutes.

The SDK comes fully equiped with Clerk's UI components, server utilities, and low level utilities for any of your custom flows.

Use Clerk UI components

Clerk's pre-built UI components give you a beautiful, fully-functional user and organization management experience in minutes.

Here's an example on how simple it is to build a sign-in page using Clerk's <SignIn /> component inside your TanStack Start applications.

import { SignIn } from '@clerk/tanstack-start'
import { createFileRoute } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export const Route = createFileRoute('/sign-in/$')({
  component: Page,

function Page() {
  return <SignIn />

Server functions

You can also pair our getAuth() utility function with TanStack Start's server functions to protect your routes.

import { createFileRoute, useRouter, redirect } from '@tanstack/react-router'
import { createServerFn } from '@tanstack/start'
import { getAuth } from '@clerk/tanstack-start/server'

const authStateFn = createServerFn('GET', async (_, { request }) => {
  const { userId } = await getAuth(request)

  if (!userId) {
    throw redirect({
      to: '/sign-in/$',

  return { userId }

export const Route = createFileRoute('/')({
  component: Home,
  beforeLoad: async () => await authStateFn(),
  loader: async ({ context }) => {
    return { userId: context.userId }

function Home() {
  const router = useRouter()
  const state = Route.useLoaderData()

  return <h1>Welcome your user id is {state.userId}!</h1>

This is just the beginning. You can learn more on how to get started building TanStack Start applications with Clerk, check out our TanStack Start Quickstart guide.

We're excited to see what you build 🏝️.

Vaggelis Yfantis

Host multiple Clerk apps on the same domain


We are thrilled to introduce a highly anticipated feature that allows multiple applications to be hosted under the same domain.

Previously, Clerk only supported hosting one application per domain without causing cookie collisions and this limitation forced our users into a handful of unacceptable workarounds. So, we went back to the drawing board and rearchitected the way we set and handle our cookies to finally support multiple apps under the same domain.

Now, cookies are more tightly scoped, enabling useful scenarios like:

  • Staging and production environments on the same domain: No more need to buy a separate domain just to set up a staging environment. Your production environment can live at, and your staging app can live at

  • Separate apps, same TLD: Some customers had multiple apps but wanted to keep the top-level domain consistent. Enable a scenario like and without needing a separate domain.

  • Developing multiple apps on localhost at the same time: You can now develop multiple applications on localhost simultaneously using different ports (e.g., on localhost:3000 and localhost:3001) out of the box.

The best part is, there’s no need to make any changes to your applications - everything works out of the box. Just ensure your Clerk SDKs are up to date to fully leverage this feature. We’ve been rolling out this change gradually over the past few weeks and have done the heavy lifting to ensure everything runs seamlessly.

There are even more improvements to come as it relates to enabling best-in-class deployment workflows (cough staging instances cough), and this foundational change gets us a step closer to that reality.

Nikos Douvlis
Dimitris Klouvas
Mark Pitsilos
Nikos Papageorgiou

Hugging Face SSO Provider


Enable users to sign in to your application using their Hugging Face accounts.

Easily integrate Hugging Face into your applications as either an authentication method or an external account that can be linked to your existing users. 🤗

Visit our Setup guide to configure a Hugging Face Connected App for your application in minutes.

Nikos Polykandriotis

Local Credentials in Expo


Use biometric authentication for returning users in your Expo application.

We've expanded our Expo SDK with a new hook, useLocalCredentials, which combines the capabilities of Clerk's user management with the concept of Local Authentication in native apps.

For applications that allow their users to log in with an identifier and a password, useLocalCredentials enables them to use biometric authentication like Face ID, or Touch ID, when they sign back into the app. So, the next time they need to provide their credentials, they can simply use their device's biometrics.

Credentials are stored securely on the user's device only when they first sign in and can later be retrieved only after the user successfully passes biometric authentication.

Visit the Local Credentials guide to learn more about how to integrate this into your Expo app today.

Pantelis Eleftheriadis

Instantly add and configure any OpenID Connect (OIDC) compliant OAuth provider

Ever look through our list of built-in authentication providers and be disappointed that you couldn't find the one your users are looking for? Well first off, we're sorry we let you down. But today's a new day...

Starting now you can add any OpenID Connect (OIDC) spec-compliant OAuth provider to your Clerk application today. It's as easy as filling out a form.

We've even added Debug section where you can test your configuration and troubleshoot by viewing errors and API responses.

Head to the Clerk Dashboard, or have a look at our custom provider docs and never be dissappointed by Clerk again*

* We can't actually promise this, but we'll do our best!

Konstantinos Pittas

iOS SDK Beta


Our new iOS SDK is here to ensure that your users enjoy a smooth, integrated sign-in experience, whether they're on an iPhone, iPad, or any other Apple device.

In a world where users prefer different devices and often switch between them, having a consistent and convenient authentication experience across platforms is more important than ever.

Our Expo SDK has long enabled the creation of universal applications for Android, iOS, and the web using a single React codebase. However, we recognize that some customers prefer native SDKs for optimized performance, direct access to platform-specific features, and seamless integration with other native components.

That's why we’re excited to introduce Clerk iOS (Beta)! The Clerk iOS SDK is a toolkit designed to integrate Clerk’s authentication and user management services with applications made for the Apple ecosystem. Built with Swift, the SDK adheres to modern standards, delivering the idiomatic and consistent developer experience you expect from Clerk.

Clerk iOS is launching in beta today, with support for building fully custom sign-up and sign-in flows for iOS, macOS, visionOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Along with the release, we're also sharing reference documentation and a quickstart to get you started.

Now, on to some highlights of the Clerk iOS SDK...


The Clerk iOS SDK was built with SwiftUI in mind, allowing you to harness it's declarative approach to user interface on all Apple platforms.

import SwiftUI
import ClerkSDK

struct ContentView: View {
  @ObservedObject private var clerk = Clerk.shared

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
      if let user = clerk.user {
        Text("Hello, \(")
      } else {
        Text("You are signed out")


The Clerk iOS SDK makes use of the latest in Swift networking, allowing your code to be as readable and expressive as possible.

// Create a new sign up
let signUp = try await SignUp.create(
  strategy: .standard(
    emailAddress: "", 
    password: "••••••••••"
// Send an email with a one time code 
// to verify the user's email
try await signUp.prepareVerification(
  strategy: .emailCode

Social Connections (OAuth)

Authenticate with your favorite social providers in just a few lines of code.

try await SignIn
  .create(strategy: .oauth(.google))

State Management

Let the Clerk iOS SDK take care of managing your user's authentication state so you can get back to building your app.

@ObservedObject private var clerk = Clerk.shared

var body: View {
  if let session = clerk.session {
  } else {
    Text("No session")
override func viewDidLoad() {
  if let session = Clerk.shared.session {
    sessionLabel.text =
  } else {
    sessionLabel.text = "No session"

Building towards GA

As an official Clerk SDK, you can expect responsive support, even while in beta. Your feedback is critical during this testing period to ensure Clerk iOS is the best it can be. If you have questions or want to talk to other users who are trying out the beta, join the Clerk Discord community.

Please note the SDK is currently in beta. Certain features - notably pre-built components, organizations, and magic links - are not yet implemented, but we're working on it. You can see a list of the currently available features here.

The API will likely undergo breaking changes until the 1.0.0 release next year.

Mike Pitre