JavaScript Invitation methods Organization invitation methods
These methods on the Organization
object allow you to manage the invitations to an organization.
The following examples assume:
Retrieves the list of invitations for the currently active organization.
function getInvitations (params ?: GetInvitationsParams ) : Promise < ClerkPaginatedResponse < OrganizationInvitation >>;
Name initialPage?
Type number
Description A number that can be used to skip the first n-1 pages. For example, if initialPage
is set to 10, it is will skip the first 9 pages and will fetch the 10th page.
Name pageSize?
Type number
Description A number that indicates the maximum number of results that should be returned for a specific page.
Name status?
Type 'pending' | 'accepted' | 'revoked'
Description The status an invitation can have.
main.js import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js' ;
// Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key
const clerk = new Clerk ( ' YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY ' );
await clerk .load ();
if ( clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( clerk .organization) {
await clerk . organization .getInvitations ()
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
index.html < div id = "app" ></ div >
<!-- Initialize Clerk with your
Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL -->
< script
crossorigin = "anonymous"
data-clerk-publishable-key = " YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY "
src = "https:// YOUR_FRONTEND_API_URL /npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js"
type = "text/javascript"
></ script >
< script >
window .addEventListener ( "load" , async function () {
await Clerk .load ();
if ( Clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( Clerk .organization) {
await Clerk . organization .getInvitations ()
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
Clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
Clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
</ script >
Retrieves a list of organization invitations that have not yet been accepted.
function getPendingInvitations (params ?: GetPendingInvitationsParams ) : Promise < OrganizationInvitation []>;
Name limit
Type number
Description Limit of the results returned.
Name offset
Type number
Description The offset of results to start the retrieval.
Creates and sends an invitation to the target email address for becoming a member with the role passed on the function parameters.
function inviteMember (params : InviteMemberParams ) : Promise < OrganizationInvitation >;
Name emailAddress
Type string
Description The email address to invite.
Name role
Type string
Description The role of the new member.
main.js import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js' ;
// Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key
const clerk = new Clerk ( ' YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY ' );
await clerk .load ();
if ( clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( clerk .organization) {
const emailAddress = "" ;
const role = "org:member" ;
await clerk . organization .inviteMember ({ emailAddress , role })
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
index.html < div id = "app" ></ div >
<!-- Initialize Clerk with your
Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL -->
< script
crossorigin = "anonymous"
data-clerk-publishable-key = " YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY "
src = "https:// YOUR_FRONTEND_API_URL /npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js"
type = "text/javascript"
></ script >
< script >
window .addEventListener ( "load" , async function () {
await Clerk .load ();
if ( Clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( Clerk .organization) {
const emailAddress = "" ;
const role = "org:member" ;
await Clerk . organization .inviteMember ({ emailAddress , role })
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
Clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
Clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
</ script >
Creates and sends an invitation to the target email addresses for becoming a member with the role passed in the parameters.
function inviteMembers (params : InviteMembersParams ) : Promise < OrganizationInvitation []>;
Name emailAddresses
Type string[]
Description The email addresses to invite.
Name role
Type string
Description The role of the new members.
main.js import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js' ;
// Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key
const clerk = new Clerk ( ' YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY ' );
await clerk .load ();
if ( clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( clerk .organization) {
const emailAddresses = [ "" , "" , "" ];
const role = "org:member" ;
await clerk . organization .inviteMembers ({ emailAddresses , role })
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
index.html < div id = "app" ></ div >
<!-- Initialize Clerk with your
Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL -->
< script
crossorigin = "anonymous"
data-clerk-publishable-key = " YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY "
src = "https:// YOUR_FRONTEND_API_URL /npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js"
type = "text/javascript"
></ script >
< script >
window .addEventListener ( "load" , async function () {
await Clerk .load ();
if ( Clerk .user) {
// Check for an active organization
if ( Clerk .organization) {
const emailAddresses = [ "" , "" , "" ];
const role = "org:member" ;
await Clerk . organization .inviteMembers ({ emailAddresses , role })
.then ((res) => console .log (res))
.catch ((error) => console .log ( "An error occurred:" , error .errors));
} else {
// If there is no active organization,
// mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
// to allow the user to set an organization as active
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
<div id="org-switcher"></div>
` ;
const orgSwitcherDiv = document .getElementById ( "org-switcher" );
Clerk .mountOrganizationSwitcher (orgSwitcherDiv);
} else {
document .getElementById ( "app" ).innerHTML = `
<div id="sign-in"></div>
` ;
const signInDiv = document .getElementById ( "sign-in" );
Clerk .mountSignIn (signInDiv);
</ script >
Last updated on Aug 20, 2024