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Clerk Changelog

Changelog March 3, 2023


Organizations improvements, new Ruby SDK and Next.js route handler support

Happy Changelog Friday, the team has been working hard on improving our Organizations offering and SDKs.

Organizations improvements

Create an organization

You can now create organizations right from the Clerk dashboard and assign an owner from your user pool. This was a highly requested features and we are excited to be able to launch this.

Organizations Settings has moved

We moved Organizations settings to the top level of the Clerk Dashboard to make it easier to enable and update maximum members limit

Updated Ruby SDK

The updated Ruby SDK has fixes, changes to core functionality and new features that were needed. The most important are:

  • Fix: Proper caching of JWKS responses All requests to the Backend API now use application/json payloads. This also fixes particular calls to endpoints like the user.update request when passing in backup codes

  • Added: The API key can now be set using the CLERK_SECRET_KEY environment variable [#28]

You can check out the release by update your Ruby SDK to Version: 2.9.0

Next.js 13.2 route handler support

In the 13.2 release of Next.js they introduced route handlers, and Clerk can now support them using our helpers currentUser and auth. Below is an example of a route handler.

import { currentUser } from '@clerk/nextjs/app-beta'

export async function GET() {
  const user = await currentUser()
  if (!user) {
    return new Response('Hello, world!')

  return new Response(`Hello, ${user.firstName}!`)
James Perkins

Changelog Feb 24, 2023


New docs, appearance and localization for Next.js App Router, Hydration improvements for remix, Spanish and German localization.

Happy Changelog Friday, the team has been working hard on improving Clerk and bringing new features and improving our SDKs.

Introducing our new documentation

This has been a passion project of mine, I have spent the last 3 weeks creating our new documentation which launched in to a beta today for Next.js only. The docs have some features that I think are important to Clerk and to you as a developer:

  • The docs are completely open source so you can see what we used to build them. If you were wondering I ended up on Nextra because the tech is awesome.
  • Anyone can contribute we are now using MDX.
  • Feedback is so important to me and the team, so feel free to click the feedback button and give your honest feedback.
  • Better Search
  • Better organization of content

If you are ready to check them out head over to, looking forward to all your feedback!

Appearance and Localization Support for Next.js App Router

When we introduced the beta support for Next.js App Router we decided to leave out the appearance prop and localization while we worked on core stability.

You can now use our appearance prop to style our components to your brand and localize based upon your user base. Here is an example of using our prebuilt dark theme

import { ClerkProvider } from '@clerk/nextjs/app-beta'
import { dark } from '@clerk/themes'

export default function RootLayout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
          baseTheme: dark,

Support for Next.js 13.2.0

We released @clerk/nextjs@4.11.0 which supports 13.2.0 changes that we introduced, if you upgrade to the latest Next.js make sure you update your Clerk package as well!

Dashboard Search for Organizations

We added Dashboard search for your organizations allowing you to find and manage them quicker and easier.

Hydration Improvements for @clerk/remix

We have spent time improving our @clerk/remix package and making sure that hydration doesn't become an issue with React 18.2. Please make sure you are on the latest to see the improvement with hydration.

Community contribution: German and Spanish localization

A huge shoutout to two of our community members for taking the time to localize our components to German and Spanish.

Thanks to Phillip for the German translation and Waldo for the Spanish version.

James Perkins

Changelog Feb 10, 2023


Introducing @clerk/fastify , Redwood v4 support, Next.js Middleware page protection and improvements to components.

The team has been making improvements to the Clerk product and introducing new packages, here is a round up from the last two weeks.

Introducing @clerk/fastify

We had a a number of requests recently for a dedicated package for Fastify and as of today you can now use Clerk with Fastify using our latest package.

To learn how it works check out our new getting started guide in our docs or our fastify starter repository.

Redwood v4 support

Our Clerk integration for Redwood has been upgraded to be able to support Redwood V4. With that you can check out the latest integration guide in the Redwood documentation.

Next.js middleware protection strategy

We introduced middleware as a way to protect pages during the month of November, after a few tweaks and improvements. We are happy to announce this is now the recommended way to protect your pages. Below is an example of using Clerk + Middleware together.

import { withClerkMiddleware, getAuth } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server'

// Set the paths that don't require the user to be signed in
const publicPaths = ['/', '/sign-in*', '/sign-up*']

const isPublic = (path: string) => {
  return publicPaths.find((x) => path.match(new RegExp(`^${x}$`.replace('*$', '($|)'))))

export default withClerkMiddleware((request: NextRequest) => {
  if (isPublic(request.nextUrl.pathname)) {
  // if the user is not signed in redirect them to the sign in page.
  const { userId } = getAuth(request)

  if (!userId) {
    // redirect the users to /pages/sign-in/[[...index]].ts

    const signInUrl = new URL('/sign-in', request.url)
    signInUrl.searchParams.set('redirect_url', request.url)
    return NextResponse.redirect(signInUrl)

export const config = { matcher: '/((?!.*\\.).*)' }


The Control Components strategy can continued to be used and we have no plans to remove this strategy.

Clerk Component improvements

We made some improvements to the Clerk components now if a user opens any Clerk component in a modal on a mobile phone they will present with a cross in the top right corner to close them.

Changes to User Impersonation

User impersonation is now only accessible in the Clerk dashboard if the user has the role of admin or is in their own personal space.

How to stay up to date with Clerk?

The best way to keep up with Clerk is to subscribe to our newsletter. We send out updates every week. Updates include new features, what we have been working on, and blog posts you may have missed!

Clerk Community Discord

Clerk has a community Discord. When you join, you will find a place:

  • Find the latest Clerk news and announcements
  • Share your project with the Clerk community, and talk about your experience
  • Request features and gets help integrating Clerk from the team and community.

Clerk Twitter

Our Twitter account (@clerkdev) announces the latest features and improvements. We would also be psyched if you tagged us in projects you have built.

James Perkins

Changelog January 27, 2023


Refactored API keys, Gatsby V5, Dynamic documentation, and migration support for Redwood self-hosted Auth.

Refactored API keys

We've refactored our API keys to a more familiar format:

  • Publishable key (prefixed with pk_test_ or pk_live_)
  • Secret key (prefixed with sk_test_ or sk_live_)
Quick copy

With this upgrade, we introduced a quick copy in our dashboard for each of our SDKs allowing you to move faster than ever.

What about legacy keys?

Legacy keys are still available in the dashboard and can continue to be used. Once ready to upgrade, you will need to replace all the keys simultaneously, as you cannot mix the legacy keys with the new ones.

But why?

Learn more about the motivation behind our new keys.

Documentation improvements

Developer experience is huge for us here at Clerk, and with that, we want to make it easy to get started and easier to find what you are looking for.

Dynamic documentation

Last week we introduced new environment-driven examples, allowing us to insert your keys into our docs. This is only in our get-started sections, but we want to add it to more places in the near future.

Search improvements

We spent some time improving the search and results that were returned, this has been high on our list this month, and we think the improvement already shows.


We launched a new starter repo called t3-turbo-and-clerk.

For the launch, we collaborated with t3's creator, Theo Browne, to show off the simplicity of the solution. Check it out:

Gatsby V5

We updated our Gatsby plugin to support Gatsby V5. You can now access the user's authentication state on the client or the server. Below are examples of SSR and API routes:

import * as React from 'react'
import { GetServerData } from 'gatsby'
import { withServerAuth } from 'gatsby-plugin-clerk/ssr'

export const getServerData: GetServerData<any> = withServerAuth(
  async (props) => {
    return { props: { data: '1', auth: props.auth } }
  { loadUser: true },

function SSRPage({ serverData }: any) {
  return (
      <h1>SSR Page with Clerk</h1>
      <pre>{JSON.stringify(serverData, null, 2)}</pre>

export default SSRPage
API Routes
import { clerkClient, withAuth } from 'gatsby-plugin-clerk/api'

interface ContactBody {
  message: string

const handler = withAuth(async (req, res) => {
  const users = await clerkClient.users.getUserList()
    title: `We have ${users.length} users`,
    message: req.body.message,
    auth: req.auth,

export default handler

Redwood dbAuth migration Support

We now support migrating users and their hashed passwords (using pbkdf2_sha1) from RedwoodJS dbAuth to Clerk using our API.

Migrating for another tool? Contact support to let us know if you need us to add another hashing algorithm.

Node 12 is no longer supported

We have dropped support for Node 12 and will be only supporting Node 14 or higher.

Community Highlights

Brazilian translation

A massive shoutout to Darlan for his first contribution to Clerk by adding a Brazilian translation to our Clerk components.

James Perkins

Changelog January 20, 2023


Clerk has gone isomorphic, updated organization details page, and two deprecated packages

Clerk has gone isomorphic

We refactored our SDKs to allow for isomorphism. This means we can offer more V8 runtimes, such as Cloudflare workers.

You can see the new backend package we are using under the hood in our Github Repository

Deprecated Packages

With the changes described above have deprecated two packages as they are no longer needed to run server-side requests:


Organization details update

The organization details page in the dashboard has been updated to be easier to manage your organization. You can now:

  • Change the organization name
  • Update membership limits
  • Add or update public or private metadata
  • Delete unused organization

How to stay up to date with Clerk?

The best way to keep up with Clerk is to subscribe to our newsletter. We send out updates every week. Updates include new features, what we have been working on, and blog posts you may have missed!

Clerk Community Discord

Clerk has a community Discord. When you join, you will find a place:

  • Find the latest Clerk news and announcements
  • Share your project with the Clerk community, and talk about your experience
  • Request features and gets help integrating Clerk from the team and community.

Clerk Twitter

Our Twitter account (@clerkdev) announces the latest features and improvements. We would also be psyched if you tagged us in projects you have built.

James Perkins

Changelog December 23, 2022


New backend API reference documentation, useAuth improvements and Italian language support

New Backend API reference docs

We created new backend API reference documentation that is automatically updated when we release any changes to Production based on the OpenAPI specification.

This upgrade shows successful and unsuccessful payloads and what to expect from a type. It can also run a test request in the browser, allowing you to see a request and response using your API key.

Check it out at

Thanks to the contributors: Mark Pitsilos, James Perkins

useAuth improvements

The useAuth hook now contains orgId, orgSlug, orgRole allowing you to access organization data when you need it on the client.

Italian Language Support

A massive shoutout to nitroin for opening up a pull request into our @clerk/localization package to add Italian translations to all our components.

import { itIT } from '@clerk/localizations'

const App = () => {
  return <ClerkProvider localization={itIT}>{/* ... */}</ClerkProvider>

Bug fixes and Performance improvements

We fixed a few bugs this week that are important to highlight.

Apple OAuth User name

We now return the user name from a sign in when using Apple as the OAuth provider.

Respect JWKS cache

We fixed a bug in our Ruby SDK, which now respects the JWKS cache specified.

Performance improvements to users endpoint

We have improved the performance of the /api/users/ endpoint, you should already notice the difference!

How to stay up to date with Clerk?

The best way to keep up with Clerk is to subscribe to our newsletter. We send out updates every week. Updates include new features, what we have been working on, and blog posts you may have missed!

Clerk Community Discord

Clerk has a community Discord. When you join, you will find a place:

  • Find the latest Clerk news and announcements
  • Share your project with the Clerk community, and talk about your experience
  • Request features and gets help integrating Clerk from the team and community.

Clerk Twitter

Our Twitter account (@clerkdev) announces the latest features and improvements. We would also be psyched if you tagged us in projects you have built.

James Perkins