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Upgrade to @clerk/clerk-expo v2

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to upgrade your application to use the latest version of the Clerk Expo SDK.

Minimum React Native version and Expo SDK version

As of @clerk/clerk-expo@2 we have made some changes of the minimum required React Native version and Expo SDK version.

The minimum required React Native version is 0.73.0, and as the SDK is built on top of Expo, the minimum required Expo SDK version is v50.

Upgrade steps

Update Expo SDK to version 50 or later

You will need to update your Expo SDK to version 50 or later. You can follow the Expo upgrade guide to upgrade your Expo SDK.

Update Clerk Expo SDK

Run the following command to update the Clerk Expo SDK to the latest version:

npm i @clerk/clerk-expo@latest
yarn add @clerk/clerk-expo@latest
pnpm add @clerk/clerk-expo@latest
bun add @clerk/clerk-expo@latest


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