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Override Clerk interfaces with custom types

Clerk provides TypeScript interfaces that you can use to define custom types for your application. Custom types provide auto-complete and prevent TypeScript errors. You can define custom types for the following:

  • ClerkAuthorization
  • CustomJwtSessionClaims
  • OrganizationPublicMetadata
  • OrganizationInvitationPublicMetadata
  • OrganizationMembershipPublicMetadata
  • SignUpUnsafeMetadata
  • UserPublicMetadata
  • UserPrivateMetadata
  • UserUnsafeMetadata

Example: custom JWT claims

To override an interface, you must define a global type, as shown in the following example:

  1. In your application's root folder, add a types directory.
  2. Inside of the types directory, add a globals.d.ts file.
  3. Create the CustomJwtSessionClaims interface and declare it globally.
  4. Add the custom claims to the CustomJwtSessionClaims interface.
export {}

declare global {
  interface CustomJwtSessionClaims {
    firstName?: string
    primaryEmail?: string
    metadata: {
      onboardingComplete?: boolean

Example: custom roles and permissions

When defining custom types for roles and permissions:

  • Custom permissions are merged with system permissions
  • Custom roles completely replace default roles (org:admin and org:member)
export {}

declare global {
  interface ClerkAuthorization {
    permission: 'org:quiz:create' | 'org:quiz:grade' | 'org:quiz:read' | 'org:quiz:fill'
    role: 'org:super_admin' | 'org:teacher' | 'org:student'


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