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Chrome Extension Quickstart

You will learn the following:

  • Create a new app with Plasmo
  • Install @clerk/chrome-extension
  • Set your Clerk API keys
  • Add <ClerkProvider> and Clerk components to your app
  • Configure your app to use a consistent CRX ID
  • Build, load, and test your Chrome Extension


Ensure that the Native API is enabled to integrate Clerk in your native application. In the Clerk Dashboard, navigate to the Native Applications page.

Configure your authentication options

When creating your Clerk application in the Clerk Dashboard, your authentication options will depend on how you configure your Chrome Extension. Chrome Extensions can be used as a popup, a side panel, or in conjunction with a web app. Popups and side panels have limited authentication options. Learn more about what options are available.

This guide will use a popup.

Create a new app using the Plasmo framework

Plasmo is a browser extension framework that includes hot reloading and creating development and production extension builds easily from the same code.

Plasmo strongly recommends using pnpm, so this guide will only use pnpm-based examples.

The following command creates an app with Tailwind CSS preconfigured and with a src/ directory. You can choose to remove one or both of those options.

pnpm create plasmo --with-tailwindcss --with-src clerk-chrome-extension
cd clerk-chrome-extension

Install @clerk/chrome-extension

The Clerk Chrome Extension SDK gives you access to prebuilt components, React hooks, and helpers to make user authentication easier.

Add the SDK to your project:

pnpm add @clerk/chrome-extension

Set your Clerk API keys

Plasmo offers several options for environment variable files, as the same codebase can be used for development and production builds, as well as for targeting different browsers. This guide uses .env.development and files.


The <ClerkProvider> component provides session and user context to Clerk's hooks and components. It's recommended to wrap your entire app at the entry point with <ClerkProvider> to make authentication globally accessible. See the reference docs for other configuration options.

import { ClerkProvider } from '@clerk/chrome-extension'

import { CountButton } from '~features/count-button'

import '~style.css'


  throw new Error('Please add the PLASMO_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY to the .env.development file')

function IndexPopup() {
  return (
    <ClerkProvider publishableKey={PUBLISHABLE_KEY}>
      <div className="plasmo-flex plasmo-items-center plasmo-justify-center plasmo-h-16 plasmo-w-40">
        <CountButton />

export default IndexPopup

Create a header with Clerk components

You can control what content signed in and signed out users can see with Clerk's prebuilt components. Create a header with the following Clerk components. (With Chrome Extensions, you can also add this logic to a footer).

  • <SignedIn>: Children of this component can only be seen while signed in.
  • <SignedOut>: Children of this component can only be seen while signed out.
  • <UserButton />: A prebuilt component that comes styled out-of-the-box to show the avatar from the account the user is signed in with.
  • <SignInButton />: An unstyled component that links to the sign-in page. For this example, because you have not specified any props or environment variables for the sign-in URL, the component will link to the Account Portal sign-in page.
import {
} from '@clerk/chrome-extension'
import { CountButton } from '~features/count-button'

import '~style.css'


  throw new Error('Please add the PLASMO_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY to the .env.development file')

function IndexPopup() {
  return (
    <ClerkProvider publishableKey={PUBLISHABLE_KEY}>
      <div className="plasmo-flex plasmo-items-center plasmo-justify-center plasmo-h-[600px] plasmo-w-[800px] plasmo-flex plasmo-flex-col">
        <header className="plasmo-w-full">
            <SignInButton mode="modal" />
            <UserButton />
        <main className="plasmo-grow">
          <CountButton />

export default IndexPopup

Update <ClerkProvider> props for Chrome Extension navigation

To avoid navigation errors, set the afterSignOutUrl, signInFallbackRedirectUrl and signUpFallbackRedirectUrl props for <ClerkProvider>. Chrome Extensions don't use an http URL, such as http://localhost:3000. Instead, they use a chrome-extension:// URL appended with an unique extension ID called a CRX ID. This URL is what you will pass to these props.

import {
} from '@clerk/chrome-extension'

import { CountButton } from '~features/count-button'

import '~style.css'

const EXTENSION_URL = chrome.runtime.getURL('.')

  throw new Error('Please add the PLASMO_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY to the .env.development file')

function IndexPopup() {
  return (
      <div className="plasmo-flex plasmo-items-center plasmo-justify-center plasmo-h-[600px] plasmo-w-[800px] plasmo-flex-col">
        <header className="plasmo-w-full">
            <SignInButton mode="modal" />
            <UserButton />
        <main className="plasmo-grow">
          <CountButton />

export default IndexPopup

Create a consistent CRX ID for your extension

Chrome Extensions have a unique CRX ID that rotates by default, which can cause errors with the Clerk integration. To avoid these problems, ensure that you have a consistent CRX ID in both development and production for your extension by following these steps:

  1. Visit Plasmo Itero's Generate Keypairs tool.
  2. Select Generate KeyPairs.
  3. Save the Private Key somewhere secure in case you need it in the future. Save the Public Key and the CRX ID for the next steps.

Create an file to store your public key

Create an file and add your public key to it, as shown in the following example:

Edit your package.json to use the new public key

Plasmo uses the package.json to generate a manifest.json on build, and allows for the use of environment variables in package.json.

In your package.json, in the manifest object:

  • Set the key value to "$CRX_PUBLIC_KEY". This helps configure the consistent CRX ID for your extension.
  • Set the permissions array to include "cookies" and "storage". permissions specifies which permissions your extension requires.
  • Set or update the host_permissions array to include "http://localhost/*" and "$CLERK_FRONTEND_API/*". host_permissions specifies which hosts, or websites, have permission to sync auth state with your app.
  // The rest of your package.json file
  "manifest": {
    "key": "$CRX_PUBLIC_KEY",
    "permissions": ["cookies", "storage"],
    "host_permissions": ["http://localhost/*", "$CLERK_FRONTEND_API/*"]

Use pnpm dev to start your development server and create a build

Plasmo facilitates Chrome Extension development by automatically "hot loading" the app whenever you save a changed file in the project. This ensures the build/chrome-mv3-dev folder remains up to date. Without the plugin, you would need to manually execute the build command and reload your Chrome Extension after each change. Plasmo automates this process, streamlining development.

Run the following command to start your development environment. This also creates the build in build/chrome-mv3-dev, and rebuilds when you make changes to the extension.

pnpm dev

Load your Chrome Extension into your Chromium-based browser

To load your Chrome Extension, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome or a Chromium-based browser and navigate to chrome://extensions.
  2. In the top-right, enable Developer mode.
  3. In the top-left, select Load unpacked.
  4. Navigate to where your project is located and select the build/chrome-mv3-dev folder. Then select Select. Your extension will now be loaded and shown in the list of extensions.
  5. Confirm that the ID shown in your extension matches the CRX ID you saved earlier.

Test your Chrome Extension

In your Chrome browser, open the extension popup. Ensure that the <SignInButton> appears, and that selecting it opens the <SignIn /> modal. Sign in and ensure that the <UserButton /> appears in the header.


After signing up or signing in, your popup may appear to crash. Closing and reopening the popup should restart the extension and you should be signed in.

Your extension does not yet have anything to handle routing, and by default, the Clerk components attempt to redirect the user. See the guide on adding React Router to your Chrome Extension to add routing to your extension.

Add React Router

Learn how to add React Router to your Chrome Extension.

Sync your Chrome Extension with your web app

Learn how to configure your Chrome Extension to sync user authentication with your web application.


For Chrome Extension's configured as popups, learn how to use Clerk's createClerkClient() function in a background service worker to ensure that the user's session is always fresh.


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