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Clerk Expo SDK

The Clerk Expo SDK gives you access to prebuilt components, React hooks, and helpers to make user authentication easier. Refer to the quickstart guide to get started.

Available resources

The Expo SDK gives you access to the following resources:

Clerk hooks

The Expo SDK provides the following hooks:

Because the Expo SDK is built on top of the Clerk React SDK, you can use the hooks that the React SDK provides. These hooks include access to the Clerk object, User object, Organization object, and a set of useful helper methods for signing in and signing up.

Clerk components

Custom flow examples

Clerk's prebuilt components are not supported in native applications. You must use the Clerk API to build custom UI's for flows such as signing in and signing up. See the custom flow guides for more information.

Deploy your app

To learn how to deploy your Expo application, see the dedicated guide.


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