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Clerk Remix SDK

The Clerk Remix SDK gives you access to prebuilt components, React hooks, and helpers to make user authentication easier. Refer to the quickstart guide to get started.


The ClerkApp component is a wrapper that provides Clerk's authentication state to your React tree. It is required to configure Clerk in your Remix application. Learn more in the reference.


The rootAuthLoader() function is a helper function that provides the authentication state to your Remix application. It is required to configure Clerk in your Remix application. Learn more in the reference.

Client-side helpers

Because the Remix SDK is built on top of the Clerk React SDK, you can use the hooks that the React SDK provides. These hooks include access to the Clerk object, User object, Organization object, and a set of useful helper methods for signing in and signing up.

Server-side helpers


The getAuth() helper retrieves authentication state from the request object. Returns the Auth object. Accepts the following parameters:

  • Name

    The arguments object.

  • Name

    An optional object that can be used to configure the behavior of the getAuth() function. It accepts the following properties:

    • secretKey?: A string that represents the Secret Key used to sign the session token. If not provided, the Secret Key is retrieved from the environment variable CLERK_SECRET_KEY.

See the dedicated guide for example usage.

SPA mode

Clerk supports Remix in SPA mode out-of-the-box. Learn more in the tutorial.


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