Use Clerk with Astro and React
Astro provides an integration that enables server-side rendering and client-side hydration for your React components. This guide demonstrates how to use Clerk with Astro and React.
If you have not set up your Astro application to work with Clerk, see the quickstart guide.
Install @astrojs/react
Add the Astro React integration to your project:
npx astro add react
yarn astro add react
pnpm astro add react
bun astro add react
Update astro.config.mjs
Add Clerk and React integrations to your Astro configuration:
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import node from '@astrojs/node'
import react from '@astrojs/react'
import clerk from '@clerk/astro'
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [clerk(), react()],
output: 'server',
adapter: node({ mode: 'standalone' }),
Use Clerk components
You can use the prebuilt components in your Astro pages or regular React components.
Astro pages
The following example demonstrates how to use Clerk components in Astro pages.
import { SignedIn, SignedOut, UserButton, SignInButton } from '@clerk/astro/react'
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<SignedOut client:load>
<SignInButton client:load mode="modal" />
<SignedIn client:load>
<UserButton client:load />
<slot />
React components
The following example demonstrates how to use Clerk components in React components.
import { SignInButton, SignedIn, SignedOut, UserButton } from '@clerk/astro/react'
export default function Header() {
return (
<p>My App</p>
<SignInButton />
<UserButton />
Use stores in your React components
Clerk Astro provides a set of useful stores that give you access to the Clerk
object, and helper methods for signing in and signing up.
The following example demonstrates how to use a Clerk Astro store.
import { $userStore } from '@clerk/astro/client'
export default function Username() {
const user = useSyncExternalStore($userStore.listen, $userStore.get, $userStore.get)
return <>{user?.firstName}</>
Read user and session data
Learn how to use Clerk's hooks and helpers to access the active session and user data in your Astro application.
Client-side helpers
Learn more about Astro client-side helpers and how to use them.
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