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Clerk Vue SDK

The Vue SDK is built on top of the Clerk JavaScript SDK, and is the recommended way to integrate Clerk into your Vue application.

Custom composables

The Vue SDK provides access to custom composables that provide direct access to the Clerk object, a user's User object, and helper methods for authentication flows.


If you're building a standard Vue application (client-side only), use @clerk/vue. If you're using Nuxt, use the dedicated @clerk/nuxt package which includes backend integration.

Clerk offers framework-specific SDKs that are customized to provide the better developer experience and integration with each framework's features. Choose the appropriate SDK based on your framework:

Nuxt@clerk/nuxtNuxt SDK

Set up Clerk Vue

Before you can add Clerk to your Vue application, you must create a Clerk app in the Clerk Dashboard. To get started, follow the setup guide. Then, follow the quickstart guide to set up the Vue SDK in your app.


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