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Nuxt Quickstart

You will learn the following:

  • Install @clerk/nuxt
  • Set your Clerk API keys
  • Configure nuxt.config.ts
  • Create a header with Clerk components
  • Protect your API routes

Install @clerk/nuxt

The Clerk Nuxt SDK gives you access to prebuilt components, Vue composables, and helpers to make user authentication easier.

Run the following command to install the SDK:

npm install @clerk/nuxt
yarn add @clerk/nuxt
pnpm add @clerk/nuxt
bun add @clerk/nuxt

Configure nuxt.config.ts

To enable Clerk in your Nuxt app, add @clerk/nuxt to your modules array in nuxt.config.ts. This automatically configures Clerk's middleware and plugins and imports Clerk's components.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@clerk/nuxt'],

Create a header with Clerk components

Nuxt 3 automatically imports and makes all components in the components/ directory globally available without requiring explicit imports. See the Nuxt docs for details.

You can control which content signed-in and signed-out users can see with Clerk's prebuilt control components.

The following example creates a header using the following components:

  • <SignedIn>: Children of this component can only be seen while signed in.
  • <SignedOut>: Children of this component can only be seen while signed out.
  • <UserButton />: Shows the signed-in user's avatar. Selecting it opens a dropdown menu with account management options.
  • <SignInButton />: An unstyled component that links to the sign-in page or displays the sign-in modal. In this example, since no props or environment variables are set for the sign-in URL, this component links to the Account Portal sign-in page.
<script setup lang="ts">
// Components are automatically imported

      <SignInButton />
      <UserButton />

    <NuxtPage />

Create your first user

Run your project with the following command:

npm run dev
yarn dev
pnpm dev
bun dev

Visit your app's homepage at http://localhost:3000. Sign up to create your first user.

More resources

Learn more about Clerk components, how to customize them, and how to use Clerk's client-side helpers using the following guides.

Protect API routes using clerkMiddleware()

Learn how to protect specific API routes from unauthenticated users.

Read session and user data

Learn how to use Clerk's composables and helpers to access the active session and user data in your Nuxt app.

Client-side helpers

Learn more about Nuxt client-side helpers and how to use them.

Clerk + Nuxt Quickstart Repo

The official companion repo for Clerk's Nuxt Quickstart.


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