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clerkMiddleware() | Nuxt

The clerkMiddleware() helper allows you to protect your Nuxt application on the server-side. It can be used to validate a user's authentication status or authorization status.


To learn how to protect pages, see the dedicated guide.

Configure clerkMiddleware()

By default, the Nuxt SDK automatically adds the clerkMiddleware() helper to your Nuxt application.

To manually configure the middleware:

  1. In your nuxt.config.ts file, under the clerk property, set skipServerMiddleware: true.

    export default defineNuxtConfig({
      modules: ['@clerk/nuxt'],
      clerk: {
        skipServerMiddleware: true,
  2. In your server/middleware/ directory, create a file named clerk.ts with the following code:

    import { clerkMiddleware } from '@clerk/nuxt/server'
    export default clerkMiddleware()

Protect API routes

You can protect routes using either or both of the following:

Authentication-based protection

To protect routes based on user authentication status, you can check if the user is signed in by checking the userId on the auth object.

In the following example, the clerkMiddleware() helper checks if the user is signed in and accessing a protected route. If they aren't signed in, an error is thrown using Nuxt's createError() utility.

import { clerkMiddleware } from '@clerk/nuxt/server'

export default clerkMiddleware((event) => {
  const { userId } = event.context.auth
  const isAdminRoute = event.path.startsWith('/api/admin')

  if (!userId && isAdminRoute) {
    throw createError({
      statusCode: 401,
      statusMessage: 'Unauthorized: User not signed in',

Authorization-based protection

To protect routes based on user authorization status, you can use the has() helper to check if the user has the required organization roles or custom permissions. It is available on the auth object.

Protecting routes using custom permissions

In the following example, the clerkMiddleware() helper checks if the user is accessing a protected route. If so, it checks if the user has the required custom permission. If they don't, an error is thrown using Nuxt's createError() utility.

import { clerkMiddleware } from '@clerk/nuxt/server'

export default clerkMiddleware((event) => {
  const { has } = event.context.auth
  const isInvoicesRoute = event.path.startsWith('/api/invoices')
  const canCreateInvoices = has({
    permission: 'org:invoices:create',

  // Check if user is accessing sensitive customer data
  if (isInvoicesRoute) {
    // Check if user has the required permission
    if (!canCreateInvoices) {
      throw createError({
        statusCode: 403,
        statusMessage: 'Unauthorized: Missing permission to create invoices',


It's best practice to use permission-based authorization over role-based authorization, as it reduces complexity and increases security. Usually, complex role checks can be refactored with a single permission check.

In the following example, the clerkMiddleware() helper checks if the user is accessing a protected route. If so, it checks if the user has the required admin role. If they don't, an error is thrown using Nuxt's createError() utility.

import { clerkMiddleware } from '@clerk/nuxt/server'

export default clerkMiddleware((event) => {
  const { has } = event.context.auth
  const isAdminRoute = event.path.startsWith('/api/admin')
  const isAdmin = has({
    role: 'org:admin',

  // Check if the user is trying to access a protected route
  if (isAdminRoute) {
    // Check if the user has the required admin role
    if (!isAdmin) {
      throw createError({
        statusCode: 403,
        statusMessage: 'Unauthorized: Admin access required',


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