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Express Quickstart

You will learn the following:

  • Install @clerk/express
  • Set your Clerk API keys
  • Add clerkMiddleware() to your application
  • Protect your routes using requireAuth()

Learn how to integrate Clerk into your Express backend for secure user authentication and management. This guide focuses on backend implementation and requires a Clerk frontend SDK to function correctly.

Install @clerk/express

The Clerk Express SDK provides a range of backend utilities to simplify user authentication and management in your application.

Run the following command to install the SDK:

npm install @clerk/express
yarn add @clerk/express
pnpm add @clerk/express
bun add @clerk/express

This guide uses dotenv to load the environment variables. Run the following command to install it:

npm install dotenv
yarn add dotenv
pnpm add dotenv
bun add dotenv

Add clerkMiddleware() to your app

The clerkMiddleware() function checks the request's cookies and headers for a session JWT and, if found, attaches the Auth object to the request object under the auth key.

import 'dotenv/config'
import express from 'express'
import { clerkMiddleware } from '@clerk/express'

const app = express()
const PORT = 3000


// Start the server and listen on the specified port
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${PORT}`)

Protect your routes using requireAuth()

To protect your routes, use the requireAuth() middleware. This middleware functions similarly to clerkMiddleware(), but also protects your routes by redirecting unauthenticated users to the sign-in page.

In the following example, requireAuth() is used to protect the /protected route. If the user isn't authenticated, they're redirected to the homepage. If the user is authenticated, the getAuth() function is used to get the userId, which is passed to clerkClient.users.getUser() to fetch the current user's User object.

import 'dotenv/config'
import express from 'express'
import { clerkClient, requireAuth, getAuth } from '@clerk/express'

const app = express()
const PORT = 3000

// Use requireAuth() to protect this route
// If user isn't authenticated, requireAuth() will redirect back to the homepage
app.get('/protected', requireAuth(), async (req, res) => {
  // Use `getAuth()` to get the user's `userId`
  const { userId } = getAuth(req)

  // Use Clerk's JavaScript Backend SDK to get the user's User object
  const user = await clerkClient.users.getUser(userId)

  return res.json({ user })

// Start the server and listen on the specified port
app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${PORT}`)

Add global TypeScript type (optional)

If you're using TypeScript, add a global type reference to your project to enable auto-completion and type checking for the auth object in Express request handlers.

  1. In your application's root folder, create a types/ directory.
  2. Inside this directory, create a globals.d.ts file with the following code.
/// <reference types="@clerk/express/env" />

Use middleware to protect routes

Learn how to protect specific routes from unauthenticated users.

Protect routes based on authorization status

Learn how to protect a route based on both authentication and authorization status.

Express SDK reference

Learn more about additional Express SDK methods.

Deploy to Production

Learn how to deploy your Clerk app to production.


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