
Fullstack SDK

A fullstack SDK combines the frontend-only SDK and backend-only SDK into one. A fullstack SDK is necessary for frameworks that support multiple rendering strategies (SSR, SSG, etc.), middleware, data fetching, and more. Examples of such frameworks would be Next.js or Rails.

Expected features

  • User only needs to provide their publishable key and secret key
  • User only needs to adjust one or two files to add Clerk to their app (e.g. adding Clerk to the configuration file of that framework)
  • User can use Clerk’s components in their choice of framework (e.g. in a React-based framework you import these components as React components)
  • Give users access to Client, Session, User, and Organization properties through the framework’s choice of state management
  • User should be able to use ClerkJS options
  • Centralized request authentication (e.g. in a middleware or plugin)
  • Give access to the instance of BAPI client (so that users can use all methods)
  • User should be able to limit access to routes by checking for roles and permissions

Optional features

  • User should be able to enforce authentication on individual routes (e.g. with a requireAuth helper)
  • Use singleton pattern to only create a pre-configured instance of Clerk backend client


Please check out the respective frontend-only SDK and backend-only SDK implementation instructions.

In addition to these instructions, you'll need to go through the following steps to support all required features.


If you're looking for a real-world example, have a look at @clerk/nextjs.

Add handshake support

Inside your Clerk middleware, add checks for the headers on the requestState. Apply these headers to the Response and handle any existing location headers (e.g. redirects).

import { clerkClient as defaultClerkClient } from './client.ts'

const clerkMiddleware = (options) => {
  return async (context, next) => {
    const clerkClient = options.clerkClient || defaultClerkClient

    const requestState = await clerkClient.authenticateRequest(context.req)

    if (requestState.headers) {
      // This adds observability headers to the res
      requestState.headers.forEach((value, key) => context.res.headers.append(key, value))

      const locationHeader = requestState.headers.get('location')

      if (locationHeader) {
        return context.redirect(locationHeader, 307)
      } else if (requestState.status === 'handshake') {
        throw new Error('Clerk: unexpected handshake without redirect')

    context.set('clerkAuth', requestState.toAuth())
    context.set('clerk', clerkClient)

    await next()


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