

The $clerkStore store provides a convenient way to access the Clerk object. This provides access to some methods that are not available in other stores.


This is intended to be used for advanced use cases, like building a completely custom OAuth flow or as an escape hatch for getting access to the Clerk object.

import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'
import { $clerkStore } from '@clerk/astro/client'

export default function SignIn() {
  const clerk = useStore($clerkStore)

  return <button onClick={() => clerk.openSignIn()}>Sign in</button>
<script setup>
import { useStore } from '@nanostores/vue'
import { $clerkStore } from '@clerk/astro/client'

const clerk = useStore($clerkStore)

const openSignIn = () => clerk.value.openSignIn()

  <button @click="openSignIn">Sign in</button>
  // The $ prefix is reserved in Svelte for its own reactivity system.
  // Alias the imports to avoid conflicts.
  import { $clerkStore as clerk } from '@clerk/astro/client'

<button on:click={() => $clerk.openSignIn()}>Sign in</button>


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