Astro $sessionStore $sessionStore
The $sessionStore
store provides a convenient way to access the current user's Session
object, as well as helpers for setting the active session.
The following example demonstrates how to use the $sessionStore
store to access the session
object, which has the lastActiveAt
property on it. The lastActiveAt
property is used to display the last active time of the current session to the user.
session.tsx import { useStore } from '@nanostores/react'
import { $sessionStore } from '@clerk/astro/client'
export default function Session () {
const session = useStore ($sessionStore)
if (session === undefined ) {
// Add logic to handle loading state
return null
if (session === null ) {
// Add logic to handle not signed in state
return null
return (
< div >
< p >This session has been active since { session . lastActiveAt .toLocaleString ()}</ p >
</ div >
session.vue < script setup >
import { useStore } from '@nanostores/vue'
import { $sessionStore } from '@clerk/astro/client'
const session = useStore ($sessionStore)
</ script >
< template >
< div v-if = "session === undefined" >
<!-- Add logic to handle loading state -->
</ div >
< div v-else-if = "session === null" >
<!-- Add logic to handle not signed in state -->
</ div >
< div v-else >
< p >This session has been active since {{ session.lastActiveAt.toLocaleString() }}</ p >
</ div >
</ template >
session.svelte < script >
// The $ prefix is reserved in Svelte for its own reactivity system.
// Alias the imports to avoid conflicts.
import { $sessionStore as session } from '@clerk/astro/client'
</ script >
{# if $session === undefined }
<!-- Add logic to handle loading state -->
{: else if $session === null }
<!-- Add logic to handle not signed in state -->
{: else }
< div >
< p >This session has been active since {$ session . lastActiveAt .toLocaleString ()}</ p >
</ div >
{/ if }
Last updated on Aug 16, 2024