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Clerk integrates directly with Firebase, a popular Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) provider, so developers can easily add our beautiful Sign Up, Sign In, and User Profile UIs to their Firebase application.


Clerk embraces the open source alternative to Firebase and provides an integration to Supabase with our JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Templates feature.


Easily connect to your Hasura GraphQL endpoint using Clerk as your authentication provider.


Build applications using Fauna, the distributed document-relational database, with Clerk as your authentication provider.


Build applications with serverless GraphQL backends provided by Grafbase and user authencation provided by Clerk.


The open source alternative to Firebase with GraphQL seemlessly integrates with Clerk to provide authenticated queries.


Clerk integrates with Convex, the serverless state management platform, using our JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Templates feature.

Google Analytics

Send user authentication events to your Google Analytics property to enable metrics tracking on user sign up and sign in events.


Use events from Clerk to trigger functions defined in your codebase with Inngest. Easily handle data synchronization, onboarding campaigns, or billing workflows in code.

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