Clerk Changelog

Changelog Mar 18, 2022


Server-side JWTs for Supabase and custom integrations, Firebase Authentication password migrations, toggleable hosted components, and a community spotlight!

Server-side JWTs for Supabase and custom integrations

Since we launched SSR, a frequent request has been to add support for retrieving Supabase tokens during SSR. Today, we launched the capability for Supabase and more!

Support for every JWT template has been added to our server-side Javascript packages for Next.js, Remix, and Express. Simply call getToken({template: "supabase"}) on the new server-side auth context.

Documentation has been added to our SSR beta documentation. You will need to upgrade to the latest version.

Thanks to the contributors: Nikos Douvlis, Peter Perlepes, Haris Chaniotakis, Agis Anastasopoulos

Firebase Authentication user and password migrations

Developers who currently use Firebase Authentication can now migrate users and their passwords to Clerk!

Our backend Create User endpoint has added support for Firebase's special flavor of scrypt so users can easily be migrated to Clerk.

Thanks to the contributors: Alex Ntousias

Toggleable hosted components

Any developer who wants to disable Clerk-hosted components on the accounts subdomain can now do so by contacting support. This option will be made available in our dashboard soon.

Thanks to the contributors: Sokratis Vidros

Community spotlight: Slapdash plugin

Many thanks to Anish De, who created a Slapdash commands plugin that brings Clerk's documentation right to your fingertips.

Thank you, Anish!

Colin Sidoti

Changelog Mar 11, 2022


Try our new and improved Remix integration! Plus, we refactored our authentication settings, and moved JWT templates into general availability.

Remix Relaunch

Today we relaunched our @clerk/remix package. This includes two key improvements since the initial launch:

  1. Applications can now require authentication on a route-by-route basis, instead of requiring authentication for the entire application
  2. In development, environment variables can now be set more easily in the Remix-native .env file.

Our documentation has been updated to reflect the improvements. Thank you to our early beta testers who helped test and ideate!

Thanks to the contributors: Nikos Douvlis

Authentication settings refactor

We rolled out a multi-month refactor of our authentication settings to support a new wave of features. It will enable:

  • Custom fields
  • Profile data collection with web3 auth
  • Guaranteed email collection for Twitter OAuth
  • A universal auth endpoint (sign up OR sign in)

In the past, our "sign up" simply ensured the user will be able to sign in again. Now, we will be able to add app-specific requirements to sign up, so if your application needs an email address and it turns out a Twitter user is missing theirs, we'll be able to collect it during sign up.

These features aren't available yet, but this infrastructure change will enable us to add them much more quickly.

Thanks to the contributors: Giannis Katsanos, Nikos Petridis, Alex Ntousias, Sokratis Vidros

JWT Templates Launch (GA)

After a few months of testing, we pulled the "beta" label off our JWT templates feature and released to general availability.

We've now generated millions of JWTs and are confident our infrastructure is secure, fast, and robust.

You are free to design custom JWTs for your own application, or leverage our prebuilt templates for common integrations.

Thanks to the contributors: Mark Pitsilos, Agis Anastasopoulos, Haris Chaniotakis

Colin Sidoti

Changelog Mar 4, 2022


Organization management API, custom OAuth scopes, application/json support, Microsoft and Notion Social Login, FaunaDB JWT template, and more!

Organization management API

Today we launched our API for organization management and began rolling it out to our early access customers.

Want to see how it works? Check out our demo repository on Github.

These API endpoints are production ready - please reach out to support if you would like early access.

Please note that we do not provide UIs for this functionality yet, but hooks and javascript helpers are available. The demo repository is unstyled but filled with essential organization management features:

Thanks to the contributors: Alex Ntousias, Giannis Katsanos, Peter Perlepes

Custom Scopes for OAuth / Social Login

Clerk now supports custom scopes for OAuth / Social Login. Simply navigate to the "Social Login" page in your dashboard and select the Gear icon for any provider.

By default, Clerk requests the scopes necessary to retrieve any basic profile information for your user. Now, you can add any scope your application needs. For example, the "repo" scope from Github

To retrieve the access token for the third party API, you can use Clerk's backend API.

Thanks to the contributors: Agis Anastasopoulos, Mark Pitsilos

application/json support

Clerk's Backend API now supports request bodies encoded with application/json, in addition to form-encoding. This is in response to developer requests and a growing ecosystem of json tooling.

This feature is automatically enabled for all applications.

Thanks to the contributors: Haris Chaniotakis

Social Login with Microsoft & Notion

Microsoft and Notion have been added to our ever-growing list of Social Login providers. If you need support for one that isn't listed, please reach out to support.

Next up is Apple!

Thanks to the contributors: Mark Pitsilos, Haris Chaniotakis

New FaunaDB JWT template

We've added a prebuilt JWT template for Fauna to improve our integration.

Check out our Fauna guide to get started!

Thanks to the contributors: Agis Anastasopoulos

New feedback form in Dashboard

Have feedback while browsing our Dashboard? Now you can easily send it straight to the Clerk team by clicking the "Give feedback" button in the dashboard.

We're tremendously grateful for any feedback that comes through and we're happy to make it easier than ever.

Thanks to the contributors: Marcel Cruz

Testimonial cloud

Since our launch, we've been fortunate to receive some great testimonials from builders all throughout the Javascript community. Today, we launched an update to begin featuring these on our homepage.

Thanks to the contributors: Charles Wefso, Cooper Dawson

Colin Sidoti

Changelog Feb 25, 2022


A new Redwood guide and Remix SDK. Plus, our Organization management features are coming very soon!

Redwood guide

We've had a chance to connect more closely with the Redwood team and our integration experience is rapidly improving.

After launching a tutorial two weeks ago, we heard a lot of feedback that we were missing our standard integration docs. Those docs are now live.

Thanks to the contributors: Ian McPhail

Remix new SDK and guide

Our beta for Remix continues! After receiving a few bug reports and great ideas for improvements, we launched a new version of the SDK today.

We also put together a new Getting Started guide so developers no longer need to reverse-engineer our demo repository.

Thanks to the contributors: Nikos Douvlis, Colin Sidoti

The Organization object is coming soon!

At Clerk, we've always wanted to help developers with Customer Management, not just User Management. Depending on your business, you might sell to Users (B2C) or Organizations (B2B).

Starting late next week, we'll begin rolling out support for a Clerk-managed Organization object. The launch will start with frontend APIs first, including:

  • An API to create an organization
  • An API to invite other users to the organization
  • An API to set users roles within the organization

The organization(s) that a user is part of will become part of their short-lived session JWT, so Clerk will start assisting with "authorization" in addition to "authentication."

This is just the beginning of Organization management at Clerk. Ultimately, we expect about half of our team to be focused solely on Organization management this year - including to build common requests like component UIs, SAML authentication, and subscription management. Stay tuned :)

If you would like to be included in the beta, please contact support

Thanks to the contributors: Alex Ntousias, Giannis Katsanos, Peter Perlepes, Nikos Petridis, Shawn Winters, Rishi Raman, Braden Sidoti, Colin Sidoti

Colin Sidoti

Changelog Feb 18, 2022


We launched our Remix SDK, a new Fauna integration, instant development instances, and quick links for customization!

@clerk/remix SDK launch

We're incredibly excited to announce that our @clerk/remix package is now in public beta!

We've published an example repository on Github and improved documentation will be available in the next week.

Remix was a challenging integration because it is both React-first and SSR-first, a combination we hadn't explored before. Ultimately, we implemented our SDK so it works "the Remix way" instead of being influenced by our previous SDKs for client-side React or static-generated Next.js.

This SDK is still in beta and we're very interested in your feedback. If you have comments, questions, concerns, ideas, or feedback, please reach out to support!

Thanks to the contributors: Nikos Douvlis, Peter Perlepes, Sokratis Vidros, Colin Sidoti

Fauna integration

Just two weeks ago, we received feedback to add a Fauna integration to Clerk.

Our new developer champion, Ian, started work on it right away and today it's ready!

This is now our fourth integration with a frontend-accessible database, adding to the set of Hasura, Supabase, and Firebase.

Would you like to see another integration added? We work particularly well with services that vendors JWT authentication, but we're happy explore any customer request. Please reach out to support.

Thanks to the contributors: Ian McPhail

Instant development instances

When you create a new application in Clerk, the confetti falls and you can now immediately access your newly created sign up form. In the past, it took 1-2 minutes for this to load.

Thanks to the contributors: Marcel Cruz, Sokratis Vidros

In development, our hosted components now included quick links for customization.

Thanks to the contributors: Marcel Cruz

Colin Sidoti

Changelog Feb 11, 2022


Usernames from social logins, a suite of frontend-accessible database integrations, Dropbox and Bitbucket social logins, BCrypt and Django password migrations

Usernames from social logins

We now save usernames from social login providers that provide them through their OpenID connect flow. This includes:

  • Github
  • Gitlab
  • Twitter
  • Bitbucket
  • Discord
  • Twitch

The username is accessible in the external_accounts section of the User object.

Frontend-accessible database suite

Clerk now has integrations with three different vendors who enable frontend developers to make database queries, including:

These vendors share an ethos with Clerk. We each believe in empowering frontend developers to do more on their own, without requiring the assistance of a backend developer.

Up next, we we will add Fauna to the suite.

Dropbox and Bitbucket social login

This week, we added Dropbox and Bitbucket to our list of social login providers.

We're particularly excited to add Bitbucket, which rounds out the version control suite of Bitbucket, Gitlab, and Github.

Next, we plan to add Microsoft, Apple, and Notion.

BCrypt and Django password migrations

Our API endpoint for migrating users now accepts both BCrypt and Django-style (pbkdf2-sha256) password digests.

Need to migrate a different password digest? Please contact support and we can add support in under 1 week.

Colin Sidoti