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The Session object is an abstraction over an HTTP session. It models the period of information exchange between a user and the server.

The Session object includes methods for recording session activity and ending the session client-side. For security reasons, sessions can also expire server-side.

As soon as a User signs in, Clerk creates a Session for the current Client. Clients can have more than one sessions at any point in time, but only one of those sessions will be active.

In certain scenarios, a session might be replaced by another one. This is often the case with mutli-session applications.

All sessions that are expired, removed, replaced, ended or abandoned are not considered valid.

For more details regarding the different session states, see our documentation on session management.


idstringA unique identifier for the session.
userUserThe user associated with the session.
publicUserDataPublicUserDataPublic information about the user that this session belongs to.
statusSessionStatusThe current state of the session.
lastActiveAtDateThe time the session was last active on the Client.
abandonAtDateThe time when the session was abandoned by the user.
expireAtDateThe time the session expires and will cease to be active.
updatedAtDateThe last time the session recorded activity of any kind.
createdAtDateThe time the session was created.
lastActiveTokenTokenResource | nullThe last active token for the session
lastActiveOrganizationIdstring | nullThe last active organization identifier
actorActJWTClaim | nullThe JWT actor for the session



Marks the session as ended. The session will no longer be active for this Client and its status will become ended.

function end(): Promise<Session>;


Marks the session as removed. The session will no longer be active for this Client and its status will become removed.

function remove(): Promise<Session>;


Touches the session, signifying some kind of user activity. Use this method to record any updates to user activity.

function touch(): Promise<Session>;


Retrieves the user's session token for the default Clerk token or the given template.

This method uses a cache so a network request will only be made if the token in memory has expired. The TTL for a Clerk token is one minute.

Tokens can only be generated if the user is signed in.

function getToken(options?: GetTokenOptions): Promise<string | null>;


leewayInSecondsnumberThe number of seconds to allow the token to be cached for.
template?stringThe name of the JWT template from the Clerk Dashboard(opens in a new tab) to generate a new token from.
E.g. 'firebase', 'grafbase', or your custom template's name.
throwOnError?booleanWhether to throw an error or return an empty string, if an error occurs.
skipCache?booleanWhether to skip the cache lookup and force a call to the server instead, even within the TTL. Useful if the token claims are time-sensitive or depend on data that can be updated (e.g. user fields).
Defaults to false.

getToken() example

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); if (clerk.user) { await clerk.session.getToken({ template: "Test" }) .then((res) => console.log(res)) .catch((error) => console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors)); } else { document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <div id="sign-in"></div> `; const signInDiv = document.getElementById("sign-in"); clerk.mountSignIn(signInDiv); }
<div id="app"></div> <!-- Initialize Clerk with your Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL --> <script async crossorigin="anonymous" data-clerk-publishable-key="{{pub_key}}" src="https://{{fapi_url}}/npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> window.addEventListener('load', async function () { await Clerk.load(); if (Clerk.user) { await Clerk.session.getToken({ template: "Test" }) .then((res) => console.log(res)) .catch((error) => console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors)); } else { document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <div id="sign-in"></div> `; const signInDiv = document.getElementById("sign-in"); Clerk.mountSignIn(signInDiv); } }); </script>
try { await Clerk.session.getToken({ template: 'my-template-1' }) // => "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZC..." } catch(e) { // handle error }


Checks if the user is authorized for the specified role or permission.

function checkAuthorization(param: CheckAuthorizationParams) => boolean;


type CheckAuthorizationParams = | { role: ClerkDefaultRole | CustomRole; permission?: never; } | { role?: never; permission: ClerkDefaultPermission | CustomPermission; };
rolestringAccepts role key
permissionstringAccepts permission key

Last updated on April 8, 2024

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