
Build your own sign-in and sign-up pages for your Next.js app with Clerk

This guide shows you how to use the <SignIn /> and <SignUp /> components with the Next.js optional catch-all route in order to build custom sign-in and sign-up pages for your Next.js app.

If the prebuilt components don't meet your specific needs or if you require more control over the logic, you can rebuild the existing Clerk flows using the Clerk API. For more information, see the custom flow guides.


Watch the video version of this guide on the Clerk YouTube channel → YouTube (4 minutes).


Just getting started with Clerk and Next.js? See the quickstart tutorial!

Build a sign-up page

The following example demonstrates how to render the <SignUp /> component.

import { SignUp } from '@clerk/nextjs'

export default function Page() {
  return <SignUp />

Build a sign-in page

The following example demonstrates how to render the <SignIn /> component.

import { SignIn } from '@clerk/nextjs'

export default function Page() {
  return <SignIn />

Make the sign-up and sign-in routes public

By default, clerkMiddleware() makes all routes public. This step is specifically for applications that have configured clerkMiddleware() to make all routes protected. If you have not configured clerkMiddleware() to protect all routes, you can skip this step.

To make the sign-up and sign-in routes public:

  • Navigate to your middleware.ts file.
  • Create a new route matcher that matches the sign-up and sign-in routes, or you can add them to an existing route matcher that is making routes public.
  • Create a check to see if the user's current route is a public route. If it is not a public route, use auth.protect() to protect the route.
import { clerkMiddleware, createRouteMatcher } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'

const isPublicRoute = createRouteMatcher(['/sign-in(.*)', '/sign-up(.*)'])

export default clerkMiddleware(async (auth, request) => {
  if (!isPublicRoute(request)) {
    await auth.protect()

export const config = {
  matcher: [
    // Skip Next.js internals and all static files, unless found in search params
    // Always run for API routes

Update your environment variables

Update your environment variables to point to your custom sign-in and sign-up pages. Learn more about the available environment variables.


Visit your new pages

Run your project with the following command:

npm run dev
yarn dev
pnpm dev

Visit your new custom pages locally at localhost:3000/sign-in and localhost:3000/sign-up.

Read user and session data

Learn how to use Clerk's hooks and helpers to access the active session and user data in your Next.js application.

Client-side helpers

Learn more about Next.js client-side helpers and how to use them.

Next.js SDK Reference

Learn more about additional Next.js methods.

Clerk components

Learn more about Clerk's prebuilt components that make authentication and user management easy.


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