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Export your user's data from Clerk

Access user data in the backend

By using the GetUserList Backend API endpoint, you can programmatically export your user's data safely.

Additionally, the getUserList() method in the JavaScript Backend SDK can also be used to retrieve a list of users.

Export your users' data from the Clerk Dashboard

Users who are either admins or are in their personal workspace can export and download a CSV file containing a list of their application's users that includes their hashed passwords. Users can also view detailed export and download history logs. These logs offer a record of previous export actions, ensuring visibility and traceability of data exports.

To export your users' data:

  1. In the Clerk Dashboard, navigate to the application's Settings.
  2. In the User Exports section, select Export all users.
  3. A new entry in the export history will appear. Select the Download button to download the CSV file.


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