Retrieves a token for a JWT Template that is defined on the JWT templates page in the Clerk Dashboard.
function getToken (sessionId : string , template : string ) : Promise < Token >
Name sessionId
Type string
Description The ID of the session to retrieve a token for.
Name template
Type string
Description The name of the JWT template from the Clerk Dashboard to generate a new token from. For example: 'firebase', 'grafbase', or your custom template's name.
const sessionId = 'sess_123'
const template = 'test'
const response = await clerkClient . sessions .getToken (sessionId , template)
console .log (response)
_Token {
jwt: 'eyJhbG...'
The following examples demonstrate how to use getToken()
with different frameworks. Each example performs the following steps:
Gets the current session ID using framework-specific auth helpers.
Checks if there's an active session.
Uses the Backend SDK's getToken()
method to generate a token from a template.
Returns the token in the response.
The token resembles the following:
app /api /get-token-example /route.ts import { auth , clerkClient } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
export async function GET () {
const { sessionId } = await auth ()
if ( ! sessionId) {
return Response .json ({ message : 'Unauthorized' } , { status : 401 })
const template = 'test'
const client = await clerkClient ()
const token = await client . sessions .getToken (sessionId , template)
return Response .json ({ token })
pages /api /getToken.ts import { clerkClient , getAuth } from '@clerk/nextjs/server'
import type { NextApiRequest , NextApiResponse } from 'next'
export default async function handler (req : NextApiRequest , res : NextApiResponse ) {
const { sessionId } = getAuth (req)
if ( ! sessionId) {
return res .status ( 401 ) .json ({ error : 'Unauthorized' })
const template = 'test'
const client = await clerkClient ()
const token = await client . sessions .getToken (sessionId , template)
return res .json ({ token })
getToken.ts import { clerkClient } from '@clerk/express'
app .get ( '/api/get-token' , async (req , res) => {
const sessionId = req . auth .sessionId
if ( ! sessionId) {
res .status ( 401 ) .json ({ error : 'Unauthorized' })
const template = 'test'
const token = await clerkClient . sessions .getToken (sessionId , template)
res .json ({ token })
app /routes /get-token.ts import { createClerkClient } from '@clerk/remix/api.server'
import { getAuth } from '@clerk/remix/ssr.server'
import { ActionFunction , json } from '@remix-run/node'
export const action : ActionFunction = async (req) => {
const { sessionId } = await getAuth (req)
const template = 'test'
const token = await createClerkClient ({
secretKey : process . env . CLERK_SECRET_KEY ,
}). sessions .getToken (sessionId , template)
return json ({ token })
This method in the SDK is a wrapper around the BAPI endpoint POST/sessions/{session_id}/tokens/{template_name}
. See the BAPI reference for more information.
Last updated on Jan 21, 2025