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SSO Types


A type that represents the OAuth strategy for a given provider.

For example, when creating a SignIn or SignUp, you can pass the strategy option to specify the OAuth strategy to use.

type OAuthStrategy = `oauth_${OAuthProvider}` | CustomOAuthStrategy


A type that represents the OAuth provider.

type FacebookOauthProvider = 'facebook'
type GoogleOauthProvider = 'google'
type HubspotOauthProvider = 'hubspot'
type GithubOauthProvider = 'github'
type TiktokOauthProvider = 'tiktok'
type GitlabOauthProvider = 'gitlab'
type DiscordOauthProvider = 'discord'
type TwitterOauthProvider = 'twitter'
type TwitchOauthProvider = 'twitch'
type LinkedinOauthProvider = 'linkedin'
type LinkedinOIDCOauthProvider = 'linkedin_oidc'
type DropboxOauthProvider = 'dropbox'
type AtlassianOauthProvider = 'atlassian'
type BitbucketOauthProvider = 'bitbucket'
type MicrosoftOauthProvider = 'microsoft'
type NotionOauthProvider = 'notion'
type AppleOauthProvider = 'apple'
type LineOauthProvider = 'line'
type InstagramOauthProvider = 'instagram'
type CoinbaseOauthProvider = 'coinbase'
type SpotifyOauthProvider = 'spotify'
type XeroOauthProvider = 'xero'
type BoxOauthProvider = 'box'
type SlackOauthProvider = 'slack'
type LinearOauthProvider = 'linear'

type OAuthProvider =
  | 'facebook'
  | 'google'
  | 'hubspot'
  | 'github'
  | 'tiktok'
  | 'gitlab'
  | 'discord'
  | 'twitter'
  | 'twitch'
  | 'linkedin'
  | 'linkedin_oidc'
  | 'dropbox'
  | 'bitbucket'
  | 'microsoft'
  | 'notion'
  | 'apple'
  | 'x'


A type that represents a custom OAuth strategy.

type CustomOAuthStrategy = `oauth_custom_${string}`


A type that represents an Enterprise SSO strategy.

type EnterpriseSSOStrategy = `enterprise_sso`


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