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Add Google as an EASIE connection

Enabling EASIE SSO with Google allows your users to sign up and sign in to your Clerk application with their Google account.

Configure for your development instance

For development instances, Clerk uses preconfigured shared credentials and redirect URIs—no other configuration is needed.

  1. In the Clerk Dashboard, navigate to the SSO connections page.
  2. Select Add connection and select For specific domains or organizations.
  3. Under EASIE, select Google.
  4. Enter the Domain. This is the email domain of the users you want to allow to sign in to your application. Optionally, select an Organization.
  5. Select Add connection.

Configure for your production instance


If you already configured Google as a social provider, you can skip this step. EASIE SSO will automatically use the credentials you configured for your social connection.

For production instances, you must provide custom credentials.

To make the setup process easier, it's recommended to keep two browser tabs open: one for the Clerk Dashboard and one for your Google Cloud Console.

Enable Google as an EASIE connection

  1. In the Clerk Dashboard, navigate to the SSO connections page.
  2. Select Add connection and select For specific domains or organizations.
  3. Under EASIE, select Google.
  4. Enter the Domain. This is the email domain of the users you want to allow to sign in to your application. Optionally, select an Organization.
  5. Save the Redirect URI somewhere secure. Keep this modal open to enter the OAuth credentials in the following steps.

Create a Google Developer project

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Select a project or create a new one.
  3. If the APIs & Services page isn't already open, open the menu on the left and select APIs & Services.
  4. In the left sidenav, select Credentials.
  5. Select Create Credentials. Then, select OAuth client ID. You may need to configure your OAuth consent screen.
  6. Select the appropriate application type for your project. Most likely, you will choose Web application.
  7. In the Authorized redirect URIs section, select Add URI and paste the Redirect URI value you saved from the Clerk Dashboard.
  8. Select Create.

Set the Client ID and Client Secret in the Clerk Dashboard

Once the OAuth client is created in the Google Cloud Console, a modal will open with your Client ID and Client Secret. Save these values somewhere secure.

Go back to the Clerk Dashboard, where the modal should still be open, and paste these values into the respective fields. Note that if you have any other Google EASIE connections or a Google social connection, this will update the credentials for all of them. Select Add connection.


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