Custom Flows Add email
Build a custom flow for adding an email to a user's account
Users are able to add multiple email addresses to their account.
Every user has a User
object that represents their account. The User
object has a emailAddresses
property that contains all the email addresses associated with the user.
The following example demonstrates how to build a custom user interface that allows users to add an email address to their account. The example:
Uses the useUser()
hook to get the User
Uses the User.createEmailAddress()
method to add the email address to the user's account. A new EmailAddress
object is created and stored in User.emailAddresses
Uses the prepareVerification()
method on the newly created EmailAddress
object to send a verification code to the user.
Uses the attemptVerification()
method on the same EmailAddress
object with the verification code provided by the user to verify the email address.
app /account /add-email /page.tsx 'use client'
import * as React from 'react'
import { useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import { EmailAddressResource } from '@clerk/types'
export default function Page () {
const { isLoaded , user } = useUser ()
const [ email , setEmail ] = React .useState ( '' )
const [ code , setCode ] = React .useState ( '' )
const [ isVerifying , setIsVerifying ] = React .useState ( false )
const [ successful , setSuccessful ] = React .useState ( false )
const [ emailObj , setEmailObj ] = React .useState < EmailAddressResource | undefined >()
if ( ! isLoaded) return null
if (isLoaded && ! user ?.id) {
return < p >You must be logged in to access this page</ p >
// Handle addition of the email address
const handleSubmit = async (e : React . FormEvent ) => {
e .preventDefault ()
try {
// Add an unverified email address to user
const res = await user .createEmailAddress ({ email })
// Reload user to get updated User object
await user .reload ()
// Find the email address that was just added
const emailAddress = user . emailAddresses .find ((a) => a .id === res .id)
// Create a reference to the email address that was just added
setEmailObj (emailAddress)
// Send the user an email with the verification code
emailAddress ?.prepareVerification ({ strategy : 'email_code' })
// Set to true to display second form
// and capture the OTP code
setIsVerifying ( true )
} catch (err) {
// See
// for more info on error handling
console .error ( JSON .stringify (err , null , 2 ))
// Handle the submission of the verification form
const verifyCode = async (e : React . FormEvent ) => {
e .preventDefault ()
try {
// Verify that the code entered matches the code sent to the user
const emailVerifyAttempt = await emailObj ?.attemptVerification ({ code })
if ( emailVerifyAttempt ?. verification .status === 'verified' ) {
setSuccessful ( true )
} else {
// If the status is not complete, check why. User may need to
// complete further steps.
console .error ( JSON .stringify (emailVerifyAttempt , null , 2 ))
} catch (err) {
console .error ( JSON .stringify (err , null , 2 ))
// Display a success message if the email was added successfully
if (successful) {
return (
< h1 >Email added!</ h1 >
// Display the verification form to capture the OTP code
if (isVerifying) {
return (
< h1 >Verify email</ h1 >
< div >
< form onSubmit = {(e) => verifyCode (e)}>
< div >
< label htmlFor = "code" >Enter code</ label >
< input
onChange = {(e) => setCode ( e . target .value)}
id = "code"
name = "code"
type = "text"
value = {code}
</ div >
< div >
< button type = "submit" >Verify</ button >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
// Display the initial form to capture the email address
return (
< h1 >Add Email</ h1 >
< div >
< form onSubmit = {(e) => handleSubmit (e)}>
< div >
< label htmlFor = "email" >Enter email address</ label >
< input
onChange = {(e) => setEmail ( e . target .value)}
id = "email"
name = "email"
type = "email"
value = {email}
</ div >
< div >
< button type = "submit" >Continue</ button >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
AddEmailView.swift import SwiftUI
import ClerkSDK
struct AddEmailView : View {
@State private var email = ""
@State private var code = ""
@State private var isVerifying = false
// Create a reference to the email address that we'll be creating
@State private var newEmailAddress: EmailAddress ?
var body: some View {
if newEmailAddress ? .verification ? .status == .verified {
Text ( "Email added!" )
if isVerifying {
TextField ( "Enter code" , text : $code )
Button ( "Verify" ) {
Task { await verifyCode ( code ) }
} else {
TextField ( "Enter email address" , text : $email )
Button ( "Continue" ) {
Task { await createEmail ( email ) }
extension AddEmailView {
func createEmail ( _ email : String ) async {
do {
guard let user = Clerk.shared.user else { return }
// Add an unverified email address to user
self.newEmailAddress = try await user. createEmailAddress ( email )
guard let newEmailAddress = self.newEmailAddress else { return }
// Send the user an email with the verification code
try await newEmailAddress. prepareVerification ( strategy : .emailCode )
// Set to true to display second form
// and capture the OTP code
isVerifying = true
} catch {
// See
// for more info on error handling
dump ( error )
func verifyCode ( _ code : String ) async {
do {
guard let newEmailAddress else { return }
// Verify that the code entered matches the code sent to the user
self.newEmailAddress = try await newEmailAddress. attemptVerification ( strategy : .emailCode ( code : code ))
// If the status is not complete, check why. User may need to
// complete further steps.
dump ( self.newEmailAddress ? .verification ? .status )
} catch {
// See
// for more info on error handling
dump ( error )
Last updated on Nov 14, 2024