Custom Flows OAuth connections
Build a custom flow for authenticating with OAuth connections
You must configure your application instance through the Clerk Dashboard for the social connection(s) that you want to use, as described at the top of the OAuth guide .
When using OAuth, the sign-up and sign-in flows are equivalent.
A successful OAuth flow consists of the following steps:
Start the OAuth flow by calling SignIn.authenticateWithRedirect(params)
or SignUp.authenticateWithRedirect(params)
. Both of these methods require a redirectUrl
param, which is the URL that the browser will be redirected to once the user authenticates with the OAuth provider.
Create a route at the URL that the redirectUrl
param points to. The following example names this route /sso-callback
. This route should call the Clerk.handleRedirectCallback()
method or simply render the prebuilt <AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback/>
The following example shows two files:
The sign-in page where the user can start the OAuth flow.
The SSO callback page where the OAuth flow is completed.
app /sign-in /page.tsx 'use client'
import * as React from 'react'
import { OAuthStrategy } from '@clerk/types'
import { useSignIn } from '@clerk/nextjs'
export default function OauthSignIn () {
const { signIn } = useSignIn ()
if ( ! signIn) return null
const signInWith = (strategy : OAuthStrategy ) => {
return signIn .authenticateWithRedirect ({
strategy ,
redirectUrl : '/sign-up/sso-callback' ,
redirectUrlComplete : '/' ,
// Render a button for each supported OAuth provider
// you want to add to your app. This example uses only Google.
return (
< div >
< button onClick = {() => signInWith ( 'oauth_google' )}>Sign in with Google</ button >
</ div >
app /sign-up /sso-callback.tsx import { AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback } from '@clerk/nextjs'
export default function SSOCallback () {
// Handle the redirect flow by rendering the
// prebuilt AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback component.
// This is the final step in the custom OAuth flow.
return < AuthenticateWithRedirectCallback />
Install expo-linking
to handle linking.
The following example demonstrates how to create a custom OAuth sign-in flow for Google accounts .
app /(auth) /sign-in.tsx import React from 'react'
import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser'
import { Text , View , Button } from 'react-native'
import { Link } from 'expo-router'
import { useOAuth } from '@clerk/clerk-expo'
import * as Linking from 'expo-linking'
export const useWarmUpBrowser = () => {
React .useEffect (() => {
// Warm up the android browser to improve UX
void WebBrowser .warmUpAsync ()
return () => {
void WebBrowser .coolDownAsync ()
} , [])
WebBrowser .maybeCompleteAuthSession ()
export default function Page () {
useWarmUpBrowser ()
const { startOAuthFlow } = useOAuth ({ strategy : 'oauth_google' })
const onPress = React .useCallback ( async () => {
try {
const { createdSessionId , signIn , signUp , setActive } = await startOAuthFlow ({
redirectUrl : Linking .createURL ( '/dashboard' , { scheme : 'myapp' }) ,
// If sign in was successful, set the active session
if (createdSessionId) {
setActive ! ({ session : createdSessionId })
} else {
// Use signIn or signUp returned from startOAuthFlow
// for next steps, such as MFA
} catch (err) {
// See
// for more info on error handling
console .error ( JSON .stringify (err , null , 2 ))
} , [])
return (
< View >
< Link href = "/" >
< Text >Home</ Text >
</ Link >
< Button title = "Sign in with Google" onPress = {onPress} />
</ View >
OAuthView.swift import SwiftUI
import ClerkSDK
struct OAuthView : View {
var body: some View {
// Render a button for each supported OAuth provider
// you want to add to your app. This example uses only Google.
Button ( "Sign In with Google" ) {
Task { await signInWithOAuth ( provider : .google ) }
extension OAuthView {
func signInWithOAuth ( provider : OAuthProvider) async {
do {
// Start the sign-in process using the selected OAuth provider.
let signIn = try await SignIn. create ( strategy : .oauth ( provider ))
// Start the OAuth process
let externalAuthResult = try await signIn. authenticateWithRedirect ()
// It is common for users who are authenticating with OAuth to use
// a sign-in button when they mean to sign-up, and vice versa.
// Clerk will handle this transfer for you if possible.
// Therefore, an ExternalAuthResult can contain either a SignIn or SignUp.
// Check if the result of the OAuth was a sign in
if let signIn = externalAuthResult ? .signIn {
switch signIn.status {
case .complete :
// If sign-in process is complete, navigate the user as needed.
dump ( Clerk.shared.session )
// If the status is not complete, check why. User may need to
// complete further steps.
dump ( signIn.status )
// Check if the result of the OAuth was a sign up
if let signUp = externalAuthResult ? .signUp {
switch signUp.status {
case .complete :
// If sign-up process is complete, navigate the user as needed.
dump ( Clerk.shared.session )
// If the status is not complete, check why. User may need to
// complete further steps.
dump ( signUp.status )
} catch {
// See
// for more info on error handling.
dump ( error )
It is common for users who are authenticating with OAuth to use a sign-in button when they mean to sign-up, and vice versa. For those cases, the SignIn
and SignUp
objects have a transferable
status that indicates whether the user can be transferred to the other flow.
If you would like to keep your sign-in and sign-up flows completely separate, then you can skip this section.
The following example demonstrates how to handle these cases in your sign-in flow. To apply the same logic to the sign-up flow, simply replace signIn.authenticateWithRedirect()
with signUp.authenticateWithRedirect()
in your code.
app /sign-in /page.tsx 'use client'
import * as React from 'react'
import { OAuthStrategy } from '@clerk/types'
import { useSignIn , useSignUp } from '@clerk/nextjs'
export default function OauthSignIn () {
const { signIn } = useSignIn ()
const { signUp , setActive } = useSignUp ()
if ( ! signIn || ! signUp) return null
const signInWith = (strategy : OAuthStrategy ) => {
return signIn .authenticateWithRedirect ({
strategy ,
redirectUrl : '/sign-up/sso-callback' ,
redirectUrlComplete : '/' ,
async function handleSignIn (strategy : OAuthStrategy ) {
if ( ! signIn || ! signUp) return null
// If the user has an account in your application, but does not yet
// have an OAuth account connected to it, you can transfer the OAuth
// account to the existing user account.
const userExistsButNeedsToSignIn =
signUp . verifications . externalAccount .status === 'transferable' &&
signUp . verifications . externalAccount . error ?.code === 'external_account_exists'
if (userExistsButNeedsToSignIn) {
const res = await signIn .create ({ transfer : true })
if ( res .status === 'complete' ) {
setActive ({
session : res .createdSessionId ,
// If the user has an OAuth account but does not yet
// have an account in your app, you can create an account
// for them using the OAuth information.
const userNeedsToBeCreated = signIn . firstFactorVerification .status === 'transferable'
if (userNeedsToBeCreated) {
const res = await signUp .create ({
transfer : true ,
if ( res .status === 'complete' ) {
setActive ({
session : res .createdSessionId ,
} else {
// If the user has an account in your application
// and has an OAuth account connected to it, you can sign them in.
signInWith (strategy)
// Render a button for each supported OAuth provider
// you want to add to your app. This example uses only Google.
return (
< div >
< button onClick = {() => handleSignIn ( 'oauth_google' )}>Sign in with Google</ button >
</ div >
OAuthView.swift // If a user attempted to sign in but doesn't have an account,
// Clerk will try to handle the transfer to sign up for you.
// If that's not possible (i.e. maybe signing up requires a CAPTCHA Token),
// authenticateWithRedirect() will return the original sign in to you
// so you can manually perform the transfer to sign up.
// Check if the sign in needs to be transferred to a sign up
if let signIn = externalAuthResult ? .signIn,
signIn.firstFactorVerification ? .status == .transferable {
// Create a new sign up with the strategy `.transfer`
let signUp = try await SignUp. create (
strategy : .transfer,
captchaToken : "TOKEN"
Last updated on Dec 6, 2024