
Build a custom flow for managing member roles in an organization


This guide is for users who want to build a custom user interface using the Clerk API. To manage member roles in an organization using a prebuilt UI, you should use Clerk's prebuilt components.

Organization members with appropriate permissions can manage a member's role and remove members within an organization.

This guide will demonstrate how to use Clerk's API to build a custom flow for managing member roles in an organization.

The following example uses the useOrganization() hook to get memberships, which is a list of the active organization's memberships.

memberships is an object with data that contains an array of OrganizationMembership objects.

Each OrganizationMembership object has an update() and destroy() method to update the member's role and remove the member from the organization, respectively.

This example is written for Next.js App Router but can be adapted for any React meta framework, such as Remix.

'use client'

import { useState, useEffect, ChangeEventHandler, useRef } from 'react'
import { useOrganization, useUser } from '@clerk/nextjs'
import type { OrganizationCustomRoleKey } from '@clerk/types'

export const OrgMembersParams = {
  memberships: {
    pageSize: 5,
    keepPreviousData: true,

// List of organization memberships. Administrators can
// change member roles or remove members from the organization.
export const ManageRoles = () => {
  const { user } = useUser()
  const { isLoaded, memberships } = useOrganization(OrgMembersParams)

  if (!isLoaded) {
    return <>Loading</>

  return (
      <h1>Memberships List</h1>
          {memberships?.data?.map((mem) => (
            <tr key={}>
                {mem.publicUserData.identifier} {mem.publicUserData.userId === user?.id && '(You)'}
                  onChange={async (e) => {
                    await mem.update({
                      role: as OrganizationCustomRoleKey,
                    await memberships?.revalidate()
                  onClick={async () => {
                    await mem.destroy()
                    await memberships?.revalidate()

          disabled={!memberships?.hasPreviousPage || memberships?.isFetching}
          onClick={() => memberships?.fetchPrevious?.()}

          disabled={!memberships?.hasNextPage || memberships?.isFetching}
          onClick={() => memberships?.fetchNext?.()}

type SelectRoleProps = {
  fieldName?: string
  isDisabled?: boolean
  onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLSelectElement>
  defaultRole?: string

const SelectRole = (props: SelectRoleProps) => {
  const { fieldName, isDisabled = false, onChange, defaultRole } = props
  const { organization } = useOrganization()
  const [fetchedRoles, setRoles] = useState<OrganizationCustomRoleKey[]>([])
  const isPopulated = useRef(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isPopulated.current) return
        pageSize: 20,
        initialPage: 1,
      .then((res) => {
        isPopulated.current = true
        setRoles( => roles.key as OrganizationCustomRoleKey))
  }, [organization?.id])

  if (fetchedRoles.length === 0) return null

  return (
      {fetchedRoles?.map((roleKey) => (
        <option key={roleKey} value={roleKey}>

The following example includes a checkAdminAndRenderMemberships() function that checks if the user is an admin of the currently active organization and calls renderMemberships(). The renderMemberships() function lists the organization's memberships and allows administrators to update a member's role and remove a member from the organization.

Use the tabs to view the code necessary for the index.html and main.js files.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <title>Clerk + JavaScript App</title>
    <div id="app"></div>

    <h1>Memberships List</h1>
          <th>User ID</th>
          <th>User identifier</th>
          <th id="update-role-head" hidden>Update role</th>
          <th id="remove-member-head" hidden>Remove member</th>
      <tbody id="memberships-table-body"></tbody>

    <script type="module" src="/src/main.js" async crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
import { Clerk } from '@clerk/clerk-js'

const pubKey = import.meta.env.VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY

if (!pubKey) {
  throw new Error('Add your VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY to .env file')

const clerk = new Clerk('YOUR_PUBLISHABLE_KEY')
await clerk.load()

if (clerk.user) {
  // Check for an active organization
  if (clerk.organization) {
    // Render list of organization memberships
    async function renderMemberships(organization, isAdmin) {
      try {
        const { data } = await organization.getMemberships()
        const memberships = data
        console.log(`getMemberships:`, memberships) => {
          const membershipTable = document.getElementById('memberships-table-body')
          const row = membershipTable.insertRow()
          row.insertCell().textContent = membership.publicUserData.userId
          row.insertCell().textContent = membership.publicUserData.identifier
          row.insertCell().textContent = membership.createdAt.toLocaleDateString()
          row.insertCell().textContent = membership.role

          // Add administrative actions:
          // Add and remove a member, and update a member's role.
          if (isAdmin) {
            // Show update and remove member buttons

            // Get the user ID of the member
            const userId = membership.publicUserData.userId

            // Update a member's role
            const updateBtn = document.createElement('button')
            updateBtn.textContent = 'Change role'
            updateBtn.addEventListener('click', async function (e) {

              const role = membership.role === 'org:admin' ? 'org:member' : 'org:admin'

              await organization
                .updateMember({ userId, role })
                .then((res) => console.log(`updateMember response:`, res))
                .catch((error) => console.log('An error occurred:', error))

            // Remove a member
            const removeBtn = document.createElement('button')
            removeBtn.textContent = 'Remove'
            removeBtn.addEventListener('click', async function (e) {

              await organization
                .then((res) => console.log(`removeMember response:`, res))
                .catch((error) => console.log('An error occurred:', error))
      } catch (error) {
        console.log('An error occurred:', error)

     * Checks if a user is an admin of the
     * currently active organization and
     * renders the organization's memberships.
    async function checkAdminAndRenderMemberships() {
      const organizationId =

      const { data } = await clerk.user.getOrganizationMemberships()

      const organizationMemberships = data

      const currentMembership = organizationMemberships.find(
        (membership) => === organizationId,
      const currentOrganization = currentMembership.organization

      if (!currentOrganization) return

      const isAdmin = currentMembership.role === 'org:admin'

      console.log(`Current organization:`, currentOrganization)

      renderMemberships(currentOrganization, isAdmin)

  } else {
    // If there is no active organization,
    // mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher />
    // to allow the user to set an organization as active
    document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = `
      <h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2>
      <div id="org-switcher"></div>

    const orgSwitcherDiv = document.getElementById('org-switcher')

} else {
  // If there is no active user, mount Clerk's <SignIn />
  document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = `
    <div id="sign-in"></div>

  const signInDiv = document.getElementById('sign-in')



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