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These are all methods on the SignUp class that allow you to verify a user's sign-up request.


The prepareVerification is used to initiate the verification process for a field that requires it. As mentioned above, there are two fields that need to be verified:

  • emailAddress: The email address can be verified via an email code. This is a one-time code that is sent to the email already provided to the SignUp object. The prepareVerification sends this email.
  • phoneNumber: The phone number can be verified via a phone code. This is a one-time code that is sent via an SMS to the phone already provided to the SignUp object. The prepareVerification sends this SMS.
function prepareVerification(params: PrepareVerificationParams): Promise<SignUpResource>
  • Name
    'phone_code' | 'email_code' | 'email_link' | 'saml' | 'enterprise_sso' | 'oauth_<provider>' | 'web3_metamask_signature' | 'web3_coinbase_wallet_signature' | 'web3_okx_wallet_signature'

    The verification strategy to validate the user's sign-up request. The following strategies are supported:

    • phone_code: Send an SMS with a unique token to input.
    • email_code: Send an email with a unique token to input.
    • email_link: Send an email with a link which validates sign-up
    • saml: The user will be authenticated with SAML. Deprecated in favor of enterprise_sso.
    • enterprise_sso: The user will be authenticated either through SAML or OIDC depending on the configuration of the enterprise connection matching the identifier.
    • oauth_<provider>: The user will be authenticated with their social sign-in account. See available social providers.
    • web3_metamask_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via Metamask. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
    • web3_coinbase_wallet_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via Coinbase Wallet. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
    • web3_okx_wallet_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via OKX Wallet. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
  • Name

    The URL to redirect the user to after the verification process is complete.
    Only supported on email_link, oauth_<provider>, and saml strategies.


Attempts to complete the in-flight verification process that corresponds to the given strategy. In order to use this method, you should first initiate a verification process by calling SignUp.prepareVerification.

Depending on the strategy, the method parameters could differ.

function attemptVerification(params: AttemptVerificationParams): Promise<SignUp>
  • Name
    'phone_code' | 'email_code' | 'web3_metamask_signature' | 'web3_coinbase_wallet_signature' | 'web3_okx_wallet_signature'

    The verification strategy to complete the user's sign-up request against. The following strategies are supported:

    • phone_code: Validates an SMS with a unique token to input.
    • email_code: Validates an email with a unique token to input.
    • web3_metamask_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via Metamask. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
    • web3_coinbase_wallet_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via Coinbase Wallet. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
    • web3_okx_wallet_signature: The verification will attempt to be completed using the user's Web3 wallet address via OKX Wallet. The web3_wallet_id parameter can also be specified to select which of the user's known Web3 wallets will be used.
  • Name

    The code that was sent to the user via the phone_code or email_code verification strategies.

  • Name

    The signature that was sent to the user via the Web3 verification strategy.


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